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Sydney was still telling us everything we needed to know about Pippa. She and Luke were supposed to leave an hour ago and she was still pacing in front of all of us making sure we understood Pippa had to get a nap every day and that she had to go to bed at 8:30 every night. Don't even get me started on the foods we should and shouldn't feed her.

"Sydney!" Calum said grabbing her shoulders. "We will be fine. Pippa will be fine. There are five of us here. Go before Luke has to drag you." She let out a breath of worry before she hugged him. She hugged a lot. It was a little odd, but we all welcomed it for some reason.

"Can we go now?" Luke asked pleadingly. Sydney nodded and let go of Calum.

"Bye Sydney!" Ashton said loudly. She laughed and waved before she and Luke left for their weekend. And then we were all back to doing whatever we were doing before. I went back to my video game and Ashton went back to cuddling Kelsey on the love seat while they watched a movie on his laptop. Calum flopped back onto the couch and went back to playing with his phone. Honey moved her head from my shoulder and I looked at her, suddenly dying on my game.

"Aw no!" I said huffing, "Pretty girlfriend interference." I said letting my head fall back into the cushion behind me. Honey laughed and turned my head so I'd look at her. She kissed me and I put my arm around her, pulling her practically in my lap so I could keep playing.

We all had about an hour and a half to just sit around. Pippa was napping so we weren't quite on baby duty yet.

"Can I play now?" Honey asked as she kept giving me really nice kisses. I shook my head. This was a relatively new game and I was trying to figure it out. Honey had been waiting hours to play. "Please?" She whined.

"You killed me!" I said gesturing to the screen, "Why would I let you play when you killed me?"

"It's not my fault you think I'm pretty!" She pouted, before she kissed me again, "Besides, I've been waiting forever! And you don't have to quit. We can play together." She got up and grabbed a controller. She sat back down on my lap. She put her head against my chest and connected her controller. She had no real idea how much I loved when she did that. I let out a long sigh as we started the game together.

She was just really distracting. I could see her in my peripheral vision and she was so cute as she concentrated on not dying.

I died and groaned because she had basically killed me again. She laughed and looked up at me.

"You died," she said pouting. "You killed the game."

"It's your fault!" I said. She rolled her eyes and restarted the game. "You're being really cute and I can't pay attention to the game." She giggled and snuggled into my chest.

I did a bit better paying attention this time. I just had to get into game mode. And then we conquered a great deal of the game.

We had just finished a level when we heard Pippa crying upstairs. Calum got up and went to get her, so I started a new level. But I was out of game mode and Ashton and Kelsey had fallen asleep. So, naturally I started kissing on Honey. She swatted at my face, trying to get me to stop. I tossed my controller away from me and kissed the side of her neck.

"Michael stop." She giggled, taking on the zombies in the game all on her own. "Oh my god I'm gonna die!" She gasped and barely avoided being killed and I moved my hands up her sides. I decided to tease her a little bit and tried to leave a bruise on her neck. She didn't tend to sit still long enough usually. This time was no different. "Mikey!" She whined pushing me away.

"Shh, you'll wake up Ash and Kels...." I said sliding out from under her and leaning over her on the couch. I kissed her and she dropped her controller on the floor. I tried again with the hickey but she shoved my chest.

"No hickeys." She said sternly. I laughed and kissed her nose.

"Never works...." I mumbled pecking her lips quickly. Calum came back with Pippa and fun make out on the couch time was over.

The entire weekend turned into Honey having to pry Pippa out of Ashton's arms for a nap and a vague panic on what to do next with her.

I spent my weekend acting like I didn't want anything to do with watching her. But I did. I was just too punk rock to let them notice when I cuddled her.

Sometime on Saturday afternoon, I heard Pippa crying. Kelsey and Ashton were out together for the afternoon and Calum was outside doing his weird workout thing. Honey was in the kitchen making food so I was the only free one. I paused my game and went to pick her up. Kelsey had set up a play pin for Pippa to play in when we didn't want to carry her around, which was a rare occurrence, so I went over and picked her up.

"Hello Pippachu," I said kissing her cheeks. I didn't actually hold her as much as the other did. "I'd be sick of that thing too." I carried her back to my seat and put her in my lap. "Let's kill some zombie...." I unpaused my game and Pippa grabbed at my arms and wrists while I played. She was babbling to herself and I laughed at her as I slayed down some zombies.

Honey came into the living room to explain that lunch was ready, but she stopped talking when she looked at me.

"Omg!" She pulled out we phone and took a picture. I looked away from the tv and she was giggling at me. "You're so cute." I sighed and looked down at Pippa, who had fallen asleep in my lap. I hadn't even noticed her. "Anyway, lunch is in the kitchen." She said before she opened the screen door to tell Calum.

When she came back she sat next to me and took my controller out if my hands. I leaned over and gave her a long kiss on the cheek.

"Can we have a baby?" I asked thinking about how much I loved Pippa and how much I loved Honey. Adding that together we could have a pretty great baby that I would love a whole lot more. Honey looked at me for a second, seemingly shocked at my question before she looked away. "Don't you want one? I mean we could have one and it would be so cute!"

She didn't say anything as she got back up. She took Pippa out of my lap. "We don't even live together." She said before she carried Pippa upstairs to put her in her bed.

I wasn't sure if we were on the same page in our relationship suddenly. Yeah we didn't live together but that was an easy fix. We just had to find a place for us or I could just move in with her. Did she want to move in together though? Maybe she just didn't want to have kids. But how could you not want to have kids? Kids were great!

"Hey Mike are you going to eat?" Calum asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded and got up. I didn't even bother turning off my game. There was a good chance I was coming back to it.

I spent the rest of the weekend trying to figured out what page Honey was on with us while also trying to figure out if it was the same page I was on. I thought we were getting pretty serious. But maybe she wasn't as serious as I thought.

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