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"Oh my god, Sydney!" Kelsey said wth a look of pure panic in her eyes. "I'm getting married today. To Ashton!"

"I know!" I said as she grabbed my shoulders, "Why are you panicking!? You love Ashton!"

"Yeah! Of course I do!" She said loudly. But the look of panic was still on her face.

"I don't understand what's wrong!" I said shaking my head at her.

"I'm pregnant!" She said finally. I blinked at her and grinned at her.

"I am too!" I said and then we both started giggling.

"Does Luke know?" She asked as the look of panic faded away.

"No! Does Ashton?" I asked. The look of panic came back.

"No! Why do you think I'm panicking!?" Her hands moved over her face. "I don't know if I should tell him now or wait until tomorrow or-"

"Don't tell him now!" I said quickly, "It'll make him nervous and then everyone else will be nervous." I shook my head and she sighed.

"Right...." She said. Honey rushed into the room.

"Hey, come on, everyone is waiting." She said grinning. Like I said, she liked weddings.

"Be right there." I said quickly. I pulled Kelsey downstairs and found Luke trying to help Pippa fix her dress. I swatted him away and he sighed. "No, Lucas that-"

"Oh my god!" Luke said suddenly, startling Pippa. I adjusted Pippa's dress as I gave him a weird look.

"What?" I asked as Pippa ran to the back yard.

"Nothing." He said quickly going after her. I rolled my eyes and Kelsey laughed.

"Weird." She said as Mikey rushed by with Calum and Frankie. They went outside and Kelsey seemed to realize that her future was just outside again.

See Ashton didn't actually want a ceremony what with people always up in their business. But Kelsey wanted a wedding, and Ashton can't tell her no. I could only imagine what's gonna happen if this baby of theirs is a little girl.

So they decided to have their wedding at our house on the beach. It was private, and Kelsey got her wedding.

They didn't invite very many people. Anne-Marie, Lauren, and Harry came all the way from Australia for it. I was so excited for Ashton and Kelsey. They were so cute together.

I went and sat down next to Luke. He put his hand on my leg as I glanced at Ashton, who looked seriously nervous. I grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up and I saw him giggle as the music started. I looked around and saw Pippa start to walk down the aisle. Ashton had asked her to be the flower girl, but I don't think anyone explained what she was supposed to do very well. She stopped at the back and turned her basket full of rose petals over and then ran down the aisle to Ashton.

"Yeah that went well...." Luke said in my ear. I put my hand over my mouth to cover my laugh as Kelsey appeared. She was so pretty.

The ceremony was beautiful. Kinda made me wish Luke and I had actually had a wedding.

When it was all over Ashton talked to his mum and siblings and Kelsey stayed right by him.

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