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Hi! So all you guys reading here should go and read my Ashton story 'Beside You' and my Calum story 'Disconnected' it'd be really great! :)

You know, after a while of not having any drama with Arzaylea, I figured I didn't have to worry about it. But I was wrong.

I also thought maybe Luke didn't have anything to do with her either but I didn't actually know for sure if he did.

It was a late morning at my place and, since Luke basically lived there, we were sitting on the couch eating toast and eggs while the tv ran the morning news.

I was playing with my phone, which I noticed I didn't seem to put down recently, and came across a lovely little tweet tagging me about Arzaylea.

"Hey Lucas..." I said slowly. I put my plate on the coffee table, "what does this mean?"

Luke looked over at me as I turned my phone to him. He took it and read the tweet out loud.

"'OMG what I thought this was over!!'" He touched the photo attached. It was a photo of an ultrasound. He frowned more and scrolled through a few more tweets.

"I have no idea what this is." He said to himself. His phone lit up on the table and I picked it up.

"Ashton." I said sliding the message. "Oh my god did you knock up Arzaylea??" I glared at him and Luke rolled his eyes.

"I haven't even seen her since I told management to get over it." He said shaking his head, "And even before then I wasn't with her. I damn well isn't sleep with her."

"She's pregnant, Luke." I said angrily.

"Well I didn't do it!" He said back standing up. I stood up too and crossed my arms.

"I don't know if I believe you." I said shaking my head. "She's pregnant and you are the last person to-"

"She sleeps around Sydney!" He said cutting me off, "I'm telling you I have never slept with her! I barely even tolerate being in the same room as her!"

"You have a history with her!" I said back. "What am I supposed to think?"

"I kind of thought maybe you'd believe me over a damn tweet!" He said loudly, "I'm your boyfriend!" I let out a deep breath and Luke seemed to calm down. "Why do you always think just because Arzaylea said it that means it's true?" I didn't say anything and he took a step toward me. "Damn. Syd I love you. I don't give one shit about what Arzaylea is doing or who she's doing for that matter."


"Just forget about it." He said quickly. Another tweet popped up. It was from Arzaylea herself. I read it out loud to Luke.

"Yes it's true. #babyhemmings" I threw my phone at him and went into my bed room.

"Sydney!" Luke yelled. I slammed the door on him but I wasn't fast enough to lock him out. He pushed it back open and I went out the sliding door in my room. Luke followed me. "I just told you it isn't true!" He said grabbing my wrist. I tried jerking free but he only held on tighter.

"She tweeted it!" I yelled at him.

"She's a liar!" He yelled back.

"You're the damn liar now let me go!" He did as I said and I looked at him through blurred vision. "Stop lying to me."

"I'm not lying!" Luke look frustrated but I couldn't just take his word for it! Arzaylea confirmed it! If it had been anyone else I wouldn't believe it.

"There isn't anything you can say to me that-"

"I didn't sleep with her!" Luke said again, "I, Luke Hemmings, did not ever in my whole entire life, have sex with Arzaylea! Why don't you believe me?"

"Because she is pregnant with your child!" I yelled back at him. Luke pulled on his hair in anger.

"She is not!" He yelled, "She's not! Because I haven't done anything with her! I haven't even seen her in months!"

"She put it on Twitter Luke!" I said gesturing toward the house where my phone was, "People don't just put shit like that up and lie about it!"

"She does!" He insisted, "Do you really think first that I would do that to you and second that I would stand here and lie to you over and over about it!?"

"I don't know!" I yelled as he tried to get close to me. I moved back and realized we were screaming at each other on the beach. In public. I was wearing my pajamas. I walked past him back toward my house. I wasn't going to talk about it anymore and I wasn't going to argue anymore. I was sick of fighting with him about Arzaylea. I opened the screen door and Luke grabbed my hand suddenly.


"Go home." I said before going inside and locking him out. My day was ruined.

I felt really stupid. Maybe I was just jumping to conclusions. I didn't really get to think much about it. My phone rang and out of frustration I picked it up and answered harshly.


"Whoa calm down." Honey said defensively, "I was just calling to see what was up."

"What's up? Damn Honey, my boyfriend knocked up a girl he wasn't even supposed to be with to begin with!" I said finally letting my tears go. Saying it out loud just made the situation worse.

"Whoa hey," she said calmly, "it'll be okay Syd."

"No it won't!" I cried, "Either he's gonna go back to her and do the right thing or he's gonna stay with me and let everyone tell him how terrible he is."

"Or how terrible you are." Honey said. I could hear her eye roll.

"Honey." I said. I wasn't in much of a joking mood. I felt broken.

"Look," she sighed into the phone and I sniffled, "he loves you right?"

"I don't know!" I said wiping my face. "He said he did but he also said he didn't sleep with her!"

"Okay so he didn't sleep with her." Honey said like it was that simple.

"He can't just-"

"Look you're saying he can't love you and at the same time have ever slept with Arzaylea." Honey said sighing, "I know he loves you so he didn't sleep with her."

"She is pregnant. She posted a picture of it!" I said going into my room. I put on some clean clothes and pulled up my hair.

"Sydney I checked it. The picture she posted is just a generic ultrasound." Honey said, "She just posted it to stir up shit. Luke didn't sleep with her, and she's not actually pregnant."

"No one just posts that Honey." I said shaking my head, "Not even her."

"Then Luke still didn't sleep with her." Honey said simply. "If she's pregnant, then it's not Luke's."

"How do you know?" I sighed rubbing my face.

"Because I just do. I believe him." She said. I let out a deep breath.

"How?" I asked looking out my window. I saw Luke kicking around sand as he talked on his own phone. "How can you believe him?"

"How can you not? I mean you're the one who is supposed to believe him over the media the most." Honey said. She had a point. "If you don't believe him then why are you even bothering?"

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