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"Aw omg!" I giggled as I scrolled through Instagram. Ashton had posted a picture this morning of him and Annie on Instagram. Pippa came over and climbed onto the couch next to me.

"I wanna see." She said excitedly. I showed her the phone screen and she giggled. "Cute."

I laughed at her as Luke came downstairs dragging suitcases with him. Pippa groaned and shrank into the couch.

"Oh I don't want you to go." She whimpered. I pulled her into my lap. I kissed her cheeks and she giggled.

"But you're going to stay with Gramma and Granpa!" I said getting up.

"But we have to leave Piplup and Scrubbles." She pouted. She wrapped her arms around Piplup's neck. Piplup licked her cheek and she giggled.

"They're staying with Cow." Luke said running back upstairs to get Pippa and Andy's stuff. Pippa sighed and she kissed Piplup's ear.

"Cow will take care of you." She said to her puppy. "He likes puppies." I giggled and got up from the couch.

"Okay! Everyone to the car!" Luke said as he handed me the last suitcase. He picked up the baby carrier and took Andy to the car. Pippa ran after him, forgetting her backpack with Bunny, Pika, Gameboy, and her blanket in it. I grabbed it as I walked out the door. Calum would be over to get Piplup and Scrubbles.

We were on the way to the airport in no time. It had been months before we actually got to planning a vacation. We were getting on a flight to Sydney and we were spending the night at Luke's parents before we said goodbye to Pippa and Andy and hopped on another flight to somewhere near Brisbane. Luke didn't tell me the exact location for surprise reasons. We were staying for a week and then we'd be home just in time for Abbey's first birthday, which Honey threatened to kill me if we weren't there for it.

It took 15 hours but we made it to Sydney in one piece, or four pieces. Luke's Mum was waiting for us, even though it was five am when we got to the house.

There were hugs for me and Luke from her. Pippa was asleep in Luke's arms and Andy was sleeping in his carrier. It wasn't surprising at all.

"Pippa can sleep in your brother's room and I have a bed set up for Andy." Liz said quietly. We nodded and I gave her another hug before I followed Luke to his brother's room. He put Pippa in the bed, but she held onto his neck. He giggled and pried her off of him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Baby." He said kissing her forehead. He covered her up and gave her the Pika blanket she brought with her as I put Andy in the crib in the corner.

We went into Luke's old room and I watched Luke collapse on the bed. He grabbed a pillow and closed his eyes.

"So tired." He groaned. I laughed at him and slid out of my jeans. I climbed in next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed his cheek.

"One more flight." I said reminding him of the week we had planned. He moaned and nuzzled into the side of my neck.

"I love you." He said before he fell asleep. I giggled at him and pulled the blankets over us before I went to sleep myself. Why was being on a plane so exhausting?

In the morning, which was actually like noon, Luke and I got up and went to find our kids. It was weird they hadn't already found us.

They were in the kitchen with Luke's Parents..

"Hey!" I said giggling at them. Luke sat down next to Pippa and she grinned at him. He looked tired. His hair was everywhere and his clothes were rumpled and wrinkled.

"Good Morning, Son." His dad said. Luke nodded to him and Pippa started to climb into his lap. He helped her and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Can't you stay here?" She asked rolling out her lip at him. He kissed her nose before he shook his head.

"No, I'm taking Mummy somewhere special." He said as I sat down in Pippa's old chair. Pippa whined and let her face fall against Luke's cheek. I laughed at her and rubbed her back.

"You'll have fun with Gramma and Granpa!" I said, scrunching my nose. Gramma and Granpa didn't really match them.

"We'll work on the name." Liz said laughing.

"But I wanna go to the beach with you and Daddy." She whined at me.

"Hey," Luke said moving her to sit up. "Mummy and I are only going to be gone for a few days and you know what?"

"What?" Pippa asked looking rather unhappy.

"You know all the stuff Nanna needs to know about Andy!" I scrunched my nose at the name he picked and Liz shook her head no. I giggled and Luke rolled his eyes, "So I need you to help her take care of him. Can you do that?" Pippa thought about it for a moment or two before she nodded. Luke grinned at her and he kissed her cheeks. "Good!"

"Well I'm going to go get dressed." I said getting up again, "We've got a plane to catch." Luke nodded and I kissed the top of Andy's head where he was sitting in Liz's lap before I went to Luke's room.

I pulled on a tshirt and a clean pair of jeans before I brushed through my suddenly too long hair. Luke came in and changed shirts and pulled a beanie onto his head.

"Okay!" He said pecking my cheek, "I'm ready!"

"Oh my god, go brush your teeth." I said shoving him toward the bathroom. He laughed and pulled me with him.

We brushed our teeth together and I felt like a little kid as he pushed me away from the sink and generally messed around.

"Okay now let's go." Luke said as I rinsed my mouth. I giggled and spit before I kissed his cheek.

"We have to say goodbye to our children and your parents first." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him to the kitchen where we had left them. Pippa was standing on a stool next to Liz helping her make something. Andy was rolling around on a blanket on the floor nearby.

I picked him up and Luke grabbed Pippa.

"Okay Baby," Luke said seriously, "be good okay?" She nodded and smiled at him. "Kiss!" He puckered his lips and she gave him a kiss with a giggle. "Hug!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and he squeezed her. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." She sighed. "I lub you." Luke laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I lub you too."

I kissed Andy's cheeks and he scrunched his nose. "I'm gonna miss you so much!" I said kissing him again. "Be good for.....Granny and Papa?" I shook my head and Luke laughed. "Ugh whatever be good, Munchkin." Luke and I switched and I hugged Pippa.

"Have fun okay?" I said as she kissed my cheek. "I'll call you every night." She nodded quickly and I gave her a kiss before I put her down.

Luke and I hugged Liz and Luke's Dad before we grabbed our stuff to go. We were going to have an entire week to ourselves and I didn't know if I was going to make it without Pippa and Andy.

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