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Apparently when I said the words 'you can stop by anytime you like' to Luke carried over to the others. There wasn't one night that one of them wasn't on my couch.

Luke came over because of obvious reasons. Ashton came over because he was hungry and I had actually started cooking better food. Calum came over because it was quiet and he didn't have to worry about people. Mikey came over for advice on Honey.

He really was clueless as to what to do in a serious relationship.

It was 3 a.m. the night he was supposed to meet Honey's parents. He was still wearing his button down shirt and tie. He looked really nice aside from the fact that he was sitting on my couch at 3 a.m.

I had heard him come in so I got out of bed to see which of them had decided to sleep on my couch instead of their own bed. In their own house.

"Mikey what's going on?" I asked pulling my quilt around my shoulders. He looked at me through the darkness as I made my way to the couch. I sat next to him and leaned against his side tiredly.

"I didn't want to go home." He sighed. He sounded tired as well. "Dinner didn't go so great."

"What did you do?" I asked. There was really no possible way he could have messed that up.

"I didn't do anything." He said. He was really very unhappy with the situation. Honey's parents were the type of people to try and like a guy she was dating as long as she liked them. Honey once dated a cocaine addicted tattoo artist and they still liked him. I'm not really sure how he could have messed up this badly.

"Tell me everything starting from when you got to her house." I said rolling my eyes and curled up against him. His arm moved around my shoulders, making himself comfortable as well.

"Okay when I got to Honey's house I knocked on the door." He said thinking back. "Honey answered the door. She kissed me and let me inside. She introduced me to her parents and I talked to them for, I don't know, five minutes and then she introduced me to her brother Roger."

"Okay sounds good to me." I said waiting for him to go on.

"Well we sat down to eat and it just went downhill from there. They asked me what I did for work and I told them I was a guitarist in a band and then they asked about my hair and my tattoos and I got all panicky." He said, talking quickly, "And then I just knew they didn't like me so I got up from the table and then Honey and I got into a fight and I don't know what to do now."

"Sounds like you went over there expecting them to hate you." I sighed. I was falling asleep. "It also sounds like you should be talking to Honey about it."

"I can't!" Mikey said shaking his head, "She won't answer her damn phone."

"Then go over there and make her talk to you." I said sitting up, "Or stay here and crash on my couch. Mikey she loves you. She doesn't just invite every guy to her house to meet her parents. And I know you love her just by how upset you are."

"Maybe I'm not supposed to be with her." He said looking away from me.

"Well then who are you supposed to be with?" I huffed. He was really being stupid about this.

"You know Luke asked you out when he knew we all liked you too?" He asked looking angry. I wasn't really sure how this was relevant but I let him go on, "The day we met you we all went to bed head over heals for you. Calum woke up ready to go back to the beach to see you but we had other things to do. Ashton bragged about how you wore his clothes."

"What about you?" I asked, trying not to move away from him. I really didn't want drama to come from this.

"I still have that picture of us on my phone." He said looking at his lap. "And Luke, he just....claimed you. Didn't even bother making sure the rest of us didn't mind. Didn't even think about maybe we liked you too."

"What about Honey?" I asked slowly. I was finding it difficult to keep calm.

"I've never felt anything like the way I feel about Honey." He admitted, "But I met you first."

"But I'm with Luke." I said reasoning with him.

"But what if you weren't?" He asked looking at me finally. I took in a deep breath and stood up.

"Mikey, if I wasn't I wouldn't be with anyone." I said quietly. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but this wasn't a conversation I wanted to have. He'd just told me all four of them had feelings for me. He didn't say anything for a long time and I debated just leaving him there and going back to bed.

I sat back down next to him. "Call Honey." I kissed his cheek and then went back to bed. I didn't sleep for a long time but I was away from Mikey.

What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just tell him I had feelings for him. Not only would it be a lie, but I'd be taking him from Honey. What made things worse was that I knew he didn't have feelings for me either. He loved Honey. He had to. The way he looked at her was like nothing Id ever seen before. They can sit around and do nothing together and not get bored of each other.

They needed each other and I wasn't going to get between them. If that meant I couldn't hang out with them anymore then that's what I was going to do. I would keep my relationship strictly with Luke and nothing more.

Of course this was going to be easier said than done. Calum was almost as close to me as Honey. And Ashton let me steal his clothes. I let him steal my food, but that was beside the point. I couldn't avoid them. But I couldn't avoid Mikey either. It was all three or not at all. I just hoped I'd be able to do it.

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