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It took forever for everyone to leave. It was almost an hour and a half later when it was finally just Bryanna, me and Honey there.

In that small hour and a half, I was wondering what to do about Honey and Ashton convinced me to just stay there for the night.

"You let us stay at your place, so you can just stay here!" He'd said throwing a blanket over Honey on the couch. She had passed out before I even came inside to check on her. I didn't agree until Calum handed me a blanket of my own. And then Arzaylea spoke up.

"Oh if she's staying I am most certainly not leaving!" She said glaring at Luke. He glared back and I wondered if he was mad at her. I was mad at her.

"Yes," he said grabbing her things, "actually you are. Right now." He handed her bag to her and led her in the direction of the door.

I didn't mean to listen to them, but they weren't really being quiet.

"Luke she's going to ruin everything!" Arzaylea said. Luke sighed in annoyance.

"No she's not! There's nothing between us," he said opening the front door, "There was no reason to shove Honey in the pool either!"

"You had your hands all over her!" Arzaylea argued, "And it was an accident."

"Oh don't hand me that," he said as she walked outside. "You did it on purpose and you and I, and everyone else knows it."

Arzaylea didn't respond, and I glanced in their direction to find he was kissing her. I made a face at them and turned back around.

"I'll call you tomorrow, just go home." He said before she left. So much for being mad at her.

I tried to act like I didn't hear anything but I was pretty mad at him. How could he not be mad at her for what she did? Maybe he meant it when he said there was nothing between us. I spent the rest of the night avoiding him now. I mostly hung around Calum since Mikey was drunk and apparently very hands on in that state, and Ashton was with Bryanna.

Eventually the tv was turned on and we all sat around on the couch - and a few people in the floor since Honey was still sleeping on the couch - to watch a movie. I ended up between Luke and Ashton. I didn't want to be next to Luke but there wasn't much I could do about it.

I shivered and put the blanket Calum gave me over over myself. I had no idea where my shorts and tank top were. I was about to throw out the question, wondering if anyone had seen them anywhere when both Ashton and Luke got up. I frowned and caught Bryanna's glance. She shrugged and moved over into Ashton's seat next to me.

"I think Ash is getting some popcorn." She said, "Sorry about Arzaylea though." I sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know why she even did it." I said quietly, "I didn't even do anything to her."

"She's just jealous." Calum said without tearing his gaze from the tv as he shoved Mikey off of him. He seemed to be falling asleep.

I didn't agree with him at all. I had nothing she could want. She had Luke, money, and she was hot. I didn't have Luke, I had money, but I couldn't actually use it for anything frivolous otherwise I'd get an angry call from my dad, and I was just cute, remember? I didn't ask what he meant either.

Luke and Ashton appeared at the same time. They both had a bowl of popcorn and Luke had a shirt in his hands. He handed me the shirt and smiled.

"You seemed cold." He said sitting back down in his spot. I put the shirt over my head and took his popcorn bowl from him. He pouted and I saw Ashton sit down in Bryanna's old spot.

All I remember after that was eating popcorn. I don't remember when Bryanna left, but I remember saying goodbye to her. I don't remember when I fell asleep and I most certainly don't remember cuddling up to Ashton. But that's how I found myself the next morning.

Mikey was asleep in the floor with a pillow from the couch, Honey was still asleep as well. I knew she was gonna have a raging headache when she woke up. Calum and Luke were nowhere to be seen but I heard movement in the kitchen.

I got up and went in to see who it was. I was also hungry. And I wanted to get some Aspirin ready for Honey. She was both cranky and annoying in the morning when she wasn't hungover so I didn't really wanna deal with that.

Calum was in there making some toast. He saw me walk in and smiled. "Morning." He said opening the cabinet closest to him, "sleep well?" I shrugged and stood next to him.

I thought about how I'd been sleeping. Sitting up for the most part with my head on Ashton's shoulder. It wasn't really that comfortable.

"Would you like some toast?" He asked pulling out some more bread. He looked at me and smirked, "or some pants?" I looked down and found I was still only in my bathing suit bottoms. Luke had brought me a shirt but at the time I didn't need pants.

"Both!" I said laughing as Luke walked in. His hair was everywhere and he looked tired. "Hi."

"Oh hi."

"Luke can you make some toast so I can go get Syd some pants?" Calum asked like it was normal to go get clothes for girls in the morning. Although knowing them it probably was. Luke nodded and put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

I was standing next to him, so every now and then his shoulder would brush into mine. It was making me jittery and I really wanted him to stop. Before when he would be close to me I liked it. I wanted to be near him. That was before I knew about the fabulous Arzaylea. Now I just wanted him to leave me alone.

When my toast was ready, he handed it to me on a plate. He was standing shockingly close to me, but I didn't really notice it until I found I wasn't really able to walk anywhere.

"Um, Luke can you-"

I stopped myself because he leaned closer if that was possible. He was so close and I really wanted to kiss him. He seemed to want to kiss me, but I couldn't let him do that. He had a girlfriend. I was not that sort of person.

I looked away from him, trying to fight the urge to just let it happen, but he was persistent. He got a little closer and I felt his fingers brush against my elbow as he moved it up to my cheek. He was centimeters from me and I knew I was caught. There wasn't anything I could do to stop it. I really honestly didn't want to stop it.

I took in a shaky breath and prepared myself, but there was an interruption.

"Okay pants!" Calum said walking into the room. He saw Luke and sighed, "Do I need to come back later?" I shimmied from between the counter and Luke and shook my head. My cheeks were burning, and I knew they had to be really red.

"No, thank you." I grabbed the sweat pants from him and left the room quickly, forgetting completely about the toast.

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