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"No way, we are not naming our baby after me." Honey said shaking her head. We were all sitting at a table in a super nice restaurant. Luke grabbed my hand and slid his fingers into mine on the table.

"Aw but Honora is such a pretty name." Kelsey said pouting. "And why not Diana?"

"Pippa's middle name is already Diana." Mikey said frowning.

"What if it's a boy?" I asked, "What are you going to call him?"

"Gordon." Honey said decisively. Miley groaned and shook his head.

"Nooooo." He said leaning on the table on his elbow. He turned his head towards her. "Please not Gordon."

"No I want him to be Gordon." She whined. "I really doubt it's going to be a boy anyway."

"If we aren't naming it after you, then we aren't naming it after me." He said seriously. "It is most certainly not going to be named Gordon. I don't even want to be named Gordon."

"Well," Calum said turning his seemingly constant attention away from Frankie. "You should just name it Calum and be done with it."

"Yep," Mikey said rolling his eyes, "I'm going to name my son Calum."

"Great!" Luke said, "It's been decided. Calum Clifford is a great name." I laughed and Luke grinned.

"Well what are you gonna name your son?" Mikey asked raising his eyebrows at Luke.

"We don't have a son, Michael." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Exactly," he said before he turned back to Honey.

"You guys," Ashton said suddenly looking like he was going to explode, "I asked Kelsey to marry me." We all froze and Kelsey's face fell into her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh my god!" I said excitedly, "That's amazing! When did this development happen?"

"Like....yesterday." Kelsey said, her cheeks burning bright pink. "We weren't supposed to tell anyone." She shoved Ashton's shoulder roughly and he laughed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in!" He said making her laugh. "Anyway, they were gonna find out eventually."

"Right!" Frankie said leaning on the table away from Calum. "I think it's amazing."

"Yeah!" I said nodding, "You guys are adorable together."

"Aw!" Ashton said rolling his eyes at me. "Just don't tell people okay?" We all agreed and Honey wrapped her arms around Kelsey happily. She wasn't against other people getting married. She liked food and cake enough to go to almost anyone's Wedding.

"Oh!" Frankie said suddenly, "I've got news for the guys!" We all laughed and Calum put his arm around her shoulders.

"What's that?" He asked pursing his lips.

"The tour ends in September, and the last show is in Sydney." She said.

"Yeah!" Luke said excitedly, "I didn't think we were even going to Australia!"

"Oh, Syd we can go to the real Tasha's!" Ashton said winking at me. I giggled at him and nodded.

"The real Tasha's is in London, Ash." Kelsey said frowning. "You can go in like a week."

"No the one we went to as kids." He said laughing. "I've got her hooked on the coffee and muffins."

"Oh my god those are the best muffins I have ever had." I said gasping.

"The Tasha's in Sydney sells milkshakes and ice cream too." Calum said. I gasped and Ashton laughed again.

I was going to respond, but at that exact moment Pippa let out this loud scream that made me forget the entire conversation. I looked at her and frowned.

"Pippa." I said sternly, "What is your problem?"

"Maaaa!" She cried holding her arms up. I took her out of her seat and she put her head down on my shoulder.

"Wow someone is tired." Luke said flattened the hair on the back of her head. I sighed and shook my head at her.

"Oh we should go." I said getting up, "I'm super happy for you guys." I said pointing at Ashton and Kelsey. They both grinned and waved. "Honey, Paris, 10:30, breakfast." She nodded and gave me a thumbs up. Luke got up and I frowned.

"You said you wanted to go." He said frowning back.

"You can stay." I said kissing him, "I can take Pippa back to the hotel."

"Oh okay." He said sitting back down. Frankie got up from the table and grabbed her sweater. Calum frowned up at her.

"I'll go with you." She said. Calum got up and wrapped his arms around her.

"No!" He said burying his face into her shoulder.

"I have stuff to do Cal." She said laughing. He kissed her and she laughed. "I will see you later." She pushed him away and he pouted and Frankie ruffled his hair. He kissed her cheek and she rolled her eyes.

She followed me out of the restaurant and we walked down the street together. Pippa kept her head down on my shoulder and I knew she would be asleep soon. She was a seriously easy baby when it came to sleeping.

"Oh so I wanted to thank you for talking to Calum." Frankie said linking her arm with mine. I smiled and nodded.

"It was no problem," I said trying to be quiet. "He really likes you so I didn't want to see him screw up." She laughed and then it was quiet between us again.

I saw a group of girls walking toward us. I didn't think about how they might stop us until I saw a girl from before and another wearing a 5sos shirt.

"Omg hey!" The girl we had bumped into earlier said stopping. "We met earlier! OMG is that Pippa??" She started to poke at her and I moved away.

"Oh yeah but she's pretty tired right now." I said trying to be polite. I wasn't very good at dealing with fans at unfortunate times.

"Oh my god!" She gasped and put her arm around Frankie, "Frankie its so good to see you!" Frankie sighed and politely gave her a sideways hug.

"Hey Bailey." She said glancing at me. "Listen we've gotta go. It was good seeing you!"

"Oh yeah we were gonna go and crash at the restaurant." Her friend said smirking. "See ya." She and Bailey walked off giggling and I pulled out my phone.

"Well she shouldn't have told me that." I said texting Luke to warn him. Frankie laughed as we kept walking. "So you know her then? We met her earlier and none of us knew who she was."

"Oh yeah she followed the band a few years ago." Frankie said scrunching her nose up, "she got involved with a couple of the guys but she's a total ditz." I nodded and we went into the hotel together. We split ways when we got upstairs.

I put Pippa down on the bed to sleep and she curled up around Luke's pillow. She was such a Daddy's girl.

I put her pika blanket over her and she sighed and went to sleep. I decided to shower and get ready for bed. I told Luke he could stay but he wouldn't be long either.

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