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After Luke showed the world our baby, life went on like normal. I didn't expect it to at all. I expected people to mob me and Pippa in public and I expected a giant backlash of disliking for me and our daughter.

Our basic day went in the way you would expect. I got up when Pippa woke up hungry. I fed her and then made breakfast for me and whoever got up before noon. It was rare that any of the boys slept that late anymore but there were some days they slept late. After breakfast, I put Pippa down for a nap and straightened up the house while the boys spent some time on their music in the studio. I wasn't a big lunch eater, so they were on their own for lunch. They ate a remarkable amount of pizza every day. The afternoons were spent differently but generally I sat around while Luke played with Pippa. She was a newborn so there wasn't really much to do with her, but he didn't care. He usually just made faces at her and talked to her in funny voices trying to get her to crack a smile. She wasn't going to since she was still basically sleeping constantly.

When dinner hit, I made whatever I felt like making. I still wasn't fabulous at cooking, but I was getting better at it. Sometimes Luke and Calum got together and made something depending on the day or their mood but it was rare.

And that's how our days went for a while. Honey came over a lot and she was helpful in keeping Pippa occupied or keeping the guys occupied so I could clean or cook.

There was a day somewhere in that daze of eating, sleeping, and diapers where the guys put together this big thing for me and Honey.

We had gone out with Pippa to get groceries and diapers from the store and when we came back no one was inside.

"Michael!" Honey yelled loudly, startling Pippa, but getting a response.

"Outside!" Mikey yelled back. I set down the things we had gotten and Honey put Pippa in her carrier down by the sliding door. We went outside and found all four of them were standing by the edge of the pool. There was a cake on the picnic table and streamers and confetti everywhere.

"What is all this?" I asked laughing at them.

"Well we don't know the exact date, but around now we met you guys last year on the beach!" Mikey said throwing his arms around Honey. She pecked his cheek and put her own arms around him.

"Yeah so we threw a party!" Ashton said. "Well sort of. We have cake!" I rolled my eyes at them and Calum pulled me over to the cake.

"See look," he said, "We got a chocolate cake and we just wanted to tell you guys how much we love you!" I blushed and Luke wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Yeah, because if we hadn't met Honey on the beach," Luke said, "I wouldn't have met you!"

"And then we wouldn't have Pippachu!" Mikey said, "And I wouldn't have a hot girlfriend." Honey rolled her eyes and shoved him away. He came back and kissed her.

"So really this is all Honey's fault." Ashton said pointing his finger at her. She laughed at him and shook her head. She grabbed his hand and pulled him close enough to put her arm around his waist.

"You're welcome for making all your lives better." She said smirking. I smiled at her and Luke rested his chin on my shoulder. I put my hands on his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Can I have some cake now?" Mikey asked grabbing a plate from the table. I laughed and Ashton grabbed a knife.

"Let's cut into this bad boy." He said just before Luke pulled me away from them. We went inside and I knelt down to get Pippa out of her carrier. She was starting to get fussy sitting in it.

"Um, we all got you and Honey something," he said as I stood up with Pippa cuddled in my arms. I grinned at him and moved over to where he was standing by the door.

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