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Okay people, Ramen noodles are good. They just are. Yes people who are generally poor eat them. No I am not poor. I like the way they taste.

This was the topic of conversation with Honey. We were sitting on my couch together. She had spent the night trying to convince me to believe Luke and to talk to him but I refused. I had my reasons.

We were sitting on my couch watching TV. PBS kids was running strangely enough and Curious George was on. Every now and then we made some snarky comment about whatever was going on.

"I just don't see why you just eat Ramen noodles." Honey said. It was really an on and off conversation and she kept bringing it back on. "I mean you don't have to."

"But I like them." I said laughing. "And they don't take a lot of effort to cook."

"It's the poor man's food." She said, "You're not poor."

"I don't even care!" I said laughing much harder than I probably should have. "They taste good."

"But they don't." Honey shook her head as the door opened and Mikey and Ashton walked in. Ashton sat down on the couch between me and Honey.

"Are you eating Ramen Noodles?" He asked looking into my bowl.

"Could you be anymore chill?" Mikey asked looking at Honey thrown on the couch.

"Yeah." We said together. We shared a look and started giggling. Mikey sat down in the arm chair close to Honey.

"What brings you here?" I asked

"Oh I came to see Honey." Mikey said putting his hand on her leg after she stretched it out onto the arm of his chair.

"And I came to find Luke." Ashton said. I frowned at them and finished my noodles.

"None of you actually came to see me?" I asked. I was rather offended by this. They all blinked at me and I sighed, "Luke's not here. He hasn't been since yesterday." I said, knowing that was what they wanted from me.

"Well he hasn't been home either." Ashton said shaking his head. My alarm began to go off. Where was he? Why hasn't he been home?

"I came here to see you." Honey said pouting.

"No you came here to convince me to talk to Luke." I rolled my eyes and got up from the couch.

"And other things." She said back quickly. I dumped my bowl in the sink and ruffled my hair.

"Whatever," I sighed, "I'm gonna go take a shower." But then there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Calum holding Butter.

"Found your cat." He said stepping inside. "He was wandering around a long way down the beach. So I saved him." I laughed and took Butter out of his arms.

Butter meowed at me and I scratched his ears before letting him down. "Thanks Cal." I said before going into my bedroom. I heard a bit of a bickering fight between Calum and Honey but I ignored it. I grabbed a clean towel and some clean clothes as Calum came in. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Cal?"

"Um so Honey told me to come talk to you." He said awkwardly. I sighed roughly and walked into the bathroom. I got my shower ready as he kept talking. "Just listen. You don't have to say anything. And I know Luke and Arzaylea is a big deal to you, but he really has never even liked her. I know you don't believe him but if he was lying to you he wouldn't have lied about it to us. He would have told us if it was true. He really does love you and he hates that Arzaylea is still involved. He was trying to get away from her but management won't cooperate with him. He's trying and I think that should be enough for you to at least give him the benefit of the doubt before you condemn him."

I felt a tear fall on my cheek as I turned on the shower. Calum just didn't understand how much more there was to the situation there was. No one did. Luke didn't even know.

"I'm gonna call him and tell him to come over so you can talk." Calum said finally. I nodded and closed the bathroom door. I got in the shower and just let myself go. Crying made it feel a bit better but really I was dreading having to talk to Luke. I'd have to tell him eventually but I really didn't want it to be while we were fighting.

When I got out of the shower I put on a pair of shorts and a t shirt quickly. I stood by my closed door and listened.

"Look Luke it just comes down to who do you care more about?" Calum said loudly, "Do you care more about your fans and what they think about us as a band or do you care about Sydney?"

"I can't just choose that Calum!" Luke said back. He sounded like I felt. "If I choose the fans then I have to leave Sydney. I can't do that!"

"But if you don't then you're letting the fans down." Calum said. I frowned wondering really what angle he was looking at this. He went on and explained a bit. "From their point of view Arzaylea is pregnant. They are expecting you to go to her and take care of her. That's the right thing to do. If you don't we lose a shit ton of fans and that's on you."

"If I leave Sydney I might as well just give up everything Calum!" Luke yelled, "I don't give a fuck about Arzaylea, whether she's really pregnant or not. I would pick Sydney over her no matter what."

"But you can't." Calum said calmly. He was right. Luke knew he was right. If he stayed with me he lost a lot of support for their band. That wasn't just on Luke. It was on me too. But I didn't want to lose him.

"I can't pick Arzaylea Calum." Luke said quietly. "I can't."

"Then you have to pick between two really big decisions." Calum said finally, "Marry Sydney and get out of having a show girlfriend or drop her and pretend Arzaylea is pregnant with your kid."

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