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"Luke will you please put on pants?" I asked sighing. I picked up a stuffed Pikachu and tossed it with the rest of Pippa's toys, "Your Mom and Bryanna and Honey will be here any second." Luke groaned and got up from the couch. I pecked his cheek as he walked by toward the stairs. I grabbed Pippa out of the play pen and kissed her cheek. "It's birthday time, Pippa!" I said putting her on the floor. She crawled over to her toys and grabbed the Pikachu. I shook my head at her. Her favorite toy.

Mikey walked in and sat on the floor with her. "Pika!" He said taking the stuffed Pokemon from her. He made it dance in front of her and she giggled.

"Pika!" She said back. He had been trying to get her to say Pikachu for days. He says that she says it to him all the time except no one is ever around when it happens.

The doorbell rang and I ran to answer it. Honey didn't knock or anything so it was either Bryanna or Liz. Upon opening the door I found both.

"Hi!" I said excitedly. I hugged Liz and then Bryanna before they came inside.

"I got Pippa a present." Bryanna said nervously, like she wasn't sure if she was supposed to.

"Oh great!" I said taking the wrapped box. "You guys can sit down. I'll go find Luke and-"

"The party has arrived!" Honey proclaimed walking in carrying balloons. I laughed and hugged her quickly. I noticed her hair was now blue and I paused to touch it.

"It's nice." I said giggling. It was a really great blue color that made her eyes more blue than they already were.

"I know! Mikey picked it." She said glancing over to her boyfriend, who was still on the floor with Pippa.

"Brb." I said running upstairs. "Lucas your mother is here!" I called grabbing Pippa's other presents from her room. Luke appeared in the hall, with pants on, and he helped me carry all the presents from the entire group.

"Mum!" He said as she hugged him. He pecked her cheek and then looked at Pippa on the floor with Mikey.

"What's this, Pippa?" He asked pointing to Pikachu.

"Pika pika!" She said pointing. I laughed and Honey grabbed my hand.

"Syd, Mikey got Pippa Pikachu balloons and a cupcake and-"

"Honey!" Mikey whined, "Stop telling people my presents! I didn't tell anyone what you got her!" Honey pouted and Mikey got up from the floor.

"Pika!" Pippa yelled holding her hands up to him. He looked down at her and she rolled out her lip. I laughed as he melted into a puddle and picked her up.

"I'm so hungry!" Calum yelled as he walked into the room, "Oh hey Liz!"

"Hello Calum!" Liz said laughing.

"We will eat whenever Ash and Kels get here with the cake." I said patting his shoulder. He flopped onto the couch and I giggled at him.

It wasn't long before they got back. They got a vanilla cake with yellow frosting on it. They also brought the pizza.

We all basically chilled out. We talked and Liz caught up on everything with Luke and the boys. Mikey kept trying to get Pippa to say Pikachu while he held her in his lap and ate dinner.

"When can we open presents?" Ashton asked excitedly. I laughed and refilled my drink.

"After we eat cake." Luke said rolling his eyes. I got up and Honey helped me get the cake ready.

We carried it out with a single candle on it. Mikey started to sing happy birthday to her and Calum and Ashton joined in loudly. I laughed and Pippa clapped with a giggle as I put the cake down in front of her. Luke blew out the candle, blowing at her and she scrunched her nose and laughed.

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