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"Sydney, you've got to calm down." I said tossing my phone aside once again. My mum had just called and let us know that Pippa had a peanut allergy, but that she was completely fine now and not to worry. Of course that was exactly what Sydney was doing.

"Luke I can't calm down!" She shouted at me, "how did we not know that she had a peanut allergy? Besides that, I'm already worried sick about leaving them with your parents and this isn't helping!"

"Babe!" I grabbed her shoulders and stopped her pacing the floor. "Pippa is fine. We have five more days here. Just us. Can we please spend it not focusing on the kids and focus on us?" I glanced over her face and she sighed. "Please? That was the whole point of this trip." She nodded and I kissed her lips to try and cheer her up.

"I'm sorry." She said as I kissed her cheek and down her neck. I felt her fingers slide over my shoulders. My lips brushed agains the chain of the necklace she was wearing and I pulled back. She frowned slightly as I pulled on it until I got to the end and found the antler pendant. I flashed back to when she told me how much she liked it, so I gave it to her for her birthday. "What?" Sydney asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. I kissed her, having an idea suddenly.

"I have an idea." I said grinning at her, as I grabbed her hand. I started to pulled her wedding ring off, but she pulled away quickly.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking offended.

"Okay, here's what we are going to do." I said, I wasn't going to give her any chance to say no. This is what we were doing whether she wanted to or not. "We are going to just pretend for the next five days that we don't have kids. We are going to pretend we are back three years ago before we were married and we are going to have fun and make stupid decisions and drink and we aren't going to think about Pippa and Andy until we get back to my parents' house." I grabbed her hand again and slowly slid her ring off her finger, giving her a chance to stop me. She didn't. "We didn't get a chance to just be a stupid couple. Everything happened too fast to do anything but make big decisions." She laughed and put her hands on my cheeks.

"Maybe I like that we didn't get to be stupid." She said before she kissed me. I took her necklace off and she pouted at me. I rolled my eyes and took my own ring off before I put them on the chain with the antler. I put it back around her neck and kissed her again.

"Well I don't." I said tucking her hair behind her ear, "So go change into your amazing bikini and meet me on the beach." I caught her lips again before I grabbed a beach towel and my sunglasses. I saw her fiddling with our two rings before I left her in our room. Hopefully she was okay with this idea and hopefully she'd actually meet me on the beach.

As I waited on the beach, I was approached by a few girls hoping to get something out of me. The first couple flirted shamelessly, but I didn't bat an eyelash at them. The next couple commented on my lack of a wedding ring and I was shocked they noticed so quickly. A few just wanted a photo and then left me alone, but this one girl, a leggy brunette that was wearing a bathing suit that left little to the imagination didn't seem to catch the hint that I wasn't interested.

"So, how long are you around?" She asked bending over a little too much to sit down on the beach chair next to mine. I looked away from her, hoping Sydney would appear soon. I also hoped she didn't appear while this bimbo was here talk to me.

"Oh a few days." I said thinking to text Sydney, but I left my phone in the room.

"Well I'm here for a few days." She said smirking. She moved over to my chair and her hand fell absently on my leg. I shifted away from her and gritted my teeth. "What do you say we-"

"Okay," I got up and shook my head, "that's enough. I'm here with my wife and I really don't need you to-"

"If you're here with your wife then why isn't she with you now?" This annoying girl said rolling her eyes. She slid her fingers between mine and I growled and shook her off. "And where's your wedding ring, hm?"

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