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It was days later when I was sitting on the beach with Calum and Luke. I hadn't seen Honey or Mikey since that last day so I had no idea what was going on with them. Luke and Calum were filling me in on Mikey.

"He's so mopey." Calum said making a face, "I've never seen him like that before."

"Has he talked to her though?" I asked. I was still really guilty about it all.

"He went over to her house last night." Luke said nuzzling my shoulder. This was the first I had seen him since before the problems with Honey and Mikey started. He was feeling ignored.

"Then he got to talk to her?" I asked hopefully. Calum shook his head and I frowned.

"He came back late last night worse than he was before." He said. "We have to do something."

"I would but Honey isn't talking to me either." I said actually very upset over this.

"On account of Mikey being in love with you?" Calum smirked.

"He told me you were in love with me too, so shut your pie hole." I growled. He looked away from me and Luke laughed.

"Anyway!" I huffed, "He isn't in love with me. He loves Honey. She just won't talk to him." Calum got up suddenly and Luke and I looked up at him.

"I'm gonna go home." He said stretching, "You guys are too cuddly for me." I laughed and waved to him. He went back up to my house to get his things. I was left alone with Luke.

"Finally!" Luke said throwing his arms around me. I laughed as he started kissing my cheeks, "Alone at last!"

"You're such a dork." I said just before he caught my lips. I kissed him back and put my own arms around him.

"You love me." He mumbled kissing down my jaw. I laughed and winced as he nipped at my neck.

"I do." I said pushing him back slightly.

"I love you more though." He said without stopping his kisses.

"Luke I really don't want to do this out on the beach." I said as his fingers moved up my back.

"Well..." He whispered in my ear, "let's go inside then." He got up and pulled me by the hand off the sand. He pulled me inside and before the door was even closed he was kissing me again. He pulled me in the direction of my bedroom when we ran into Calum.

"God you could at least wait until I've left!" Calum said loudly. Luke smirked and grabbed my butt. I squealed and Calum flipped him off. "Goodbye Sydney."

"Bye Cal." I laughed as he left us alone again.

Hours later I was lying in bed with Luke. I was playing with my phone feeling tired when I got a text from Honey.

Honey: can you come over?

I sat up quickly and Luke groaned.

"Aw now I'm cold." He whined pulling me back. I sighed and curled back up to him.

"I got a text from Honey." I said kissing him quickly, "I have to go."

Me: Yeah. Give me ten minutes.

I sat up again and Luke moaned. "What about me?" He whined.

"I don't know. Stay here. Go home." I said pulling on some clothes.

"But I want to cuddle." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me back. I was in the middle of pulling on some shorts.

"Luke." I groaned, "I have to go talk to Honey. I will see you later."

"But-" I glared at him and he kissed my cheek. "Sorry...." I got up and grabbed my bag.

"Whatever you do can you let Butter in?" I asked, knowing he didn't like my cat. He nodded and sat back in my pillows.

When I got to Honey's I knocked on the garage door and Honey opened it. She jerked me inside and closed the door quickly.

"Mikey is gonna be here any second. Go hide in my room." I frowned and she shoved me into her room. She closed the door and I tried to figure out what was going on. I peeked out of the room just as the garage door opened and Mikey stood there holding a guitar. I frowned and watched as he sang to her.

"....I'm still running back to you. If you could love me again, I could let go of everything ...." I closed the door. Did she want me to listen to their conversation? Mikey was singing to her though. I opened the door a bit and saw them standing at the door.

"You didn't even try." Honey said, her arms were crossed and she looked like she was trying hard not to be mad.

"I know, but I just haven't ever had to meet a girl's parents before." He said pleadingly, "I'm really sorry and I....I don't know what to do with myself anymore."

Neither of them said anything for a minute or two and I literally watched Mikey swallow his pride as he put his guitar down.

"I love you," he said quietly, "to the moon." Honey laughed and shook her head.

"You are so corny." She said. He put his hands on her face and pulled her lightly to him.

"But I mean it." He kissed her rather deeply. I closed the door then and decided to leave them alone. And then it occurred to me that I was stuck inside Honey's bedroom.

I peaked back out and saw they were still kissing rather heavily. I really needed to get out of there. I looked around and saw the back door. I went for it and walked around the back. By the time I got around to my car Mikey an Honey were inside.

I needed to find out where Luke was. I did feel bad for leaving him. And I couldn't quite figure out why Honey asked me to come over. I picked up my phone and texted Luke quickly.

Me: Where are you?

Luke: cuddling in your bed with your cat.

I rolled my eyes and drove home. Luke didn't really like Butter. Butter actually didn't like him either. But when I got home they were in fact on my bed together. Butter was on Luke's stomach all curled up asleep while Luke played with my laptop.

"Well nice to see you two get along now." I said crawling into the bed with them. I nuzzled Luke's cheek and he looked over at me. He had this blank look on his face. I think I had been replaced by my cat.

"You are not following the dress code of this bed." He said seriously. He still wasn't wearing anything. I blinked at him.

"Screw you its my bed." I said removing Butter from on top of Luke so I could cuddle him. Butter hissed at me as I put him on the other side of the bed and threw myself onto Luke.

He put his arm around me and moved my laptop out of the way. I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead.

"Mikey and Honey made up I think." I said putting my arm around his waist.

"You think?" He asked turning into his side. His nose touched mine and I had a feeling there was going to be some more kissing in a moment or two.

"Yeah they were making out when I left." I scrunched my nose and Luke pulled my hips closer. "Mikey told her he loved her to the moon." I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"So damn corny." He said pecking my lips.

"It's cute though." I said kissing him back.

"You're cute." He said. I sighed and he laughed at me. "I like that you're cute."

"I know." I said burying my nose into his chest. "You're cute too."

"I know..."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I didn't remember falling asleep but I did and Luke just let me cuddle him until I woke up.

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