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"Come on, Luke it's the first show of the North America Leg!" Calum protested as he banged on the door. We were supposed to leave for Uncasville, Connecticut in two hours and Luke was puking in the airport bathroom. 

"I know!" Luke groaned from inside. I leaned against the wall, feeling just as awful, "I'm sorry!" He pulled open the door and looked like he was ready to come out. He was pale and he had dark circles under his eyes. Neither of us got much sleep last night. Andy was sick all night so on top of that and little to no sleep, we were pretty rough. "I think I'm okay." He said looking like he was thinking about it. He suddenly shook his head and went back in. I laughed despite I was trying not to let myself get started on the puking. 

Calum banged on the door again and I sighed, wishing he would just stop. "Cal, please!" I said grabbing his wrist. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. 

"Damn it you aren't sick too, are you?" He asked, looking concerned now. I rolled my eyes as Ashton came closer to me and pressed his hand to my forehead. 

"Ash!" I whined smacking him away, "I'm fine! I was up all night taking care of Andy. I'm just tired." Luke came out of the bathroom finally and let the door close behind him. 

"Okay." He said taking a deep breath. Pippa came close to him and he lifted her up onto his back. This was the usual routine at the airport. He held on to Pippa and I kept track of Andy, who was suddenly very good at wandering off. I grabbed his hand and walked him through the airport with our group. We usually split off into two groups to keep crowding down to a minimum. This time I was with Luke, Calum and Ashton, which included Gordon, Pippa, Andy, and Annie. Everyone else - Kelsey, Honey, Mikey, and Abbey - was already waiting for us to board the plane. 

I lifted up Andy after starting to fall behind, as fans seemed to spot us. I wasn't usually in a mood to talk to fans as they crowded us, but now being sick I really wasn't in the mood to talk to fans. Luke took a selfie or two with a few girls who forced themselves close to him. I silently hoped they got sick. One girl actually kissed his cheek. She was so gonna regret that later. She looked right at me after she'd done it and I saw the regret in her eyes. Poor girl. She'd be puking in about twelve hours. 

When we caught up with the others, Honey took one look at me and Luke and laughed, "Damn!" She said taking Pippa off Luke's back, "You guys look rough as hell." 

"Thanks, Honey," I grumbled as Andy started whining and kicking to get down. I wasn't in the mood to fight him, so I put him down and held his hand, only making him collapse into a puddle of tears. Luke could tell I was 100% done with him so he picked him up and took care of whatever was wrong. 

"You have a fever, Little Sister." Ashton said as we sat down in the uncomfortable chairs. I glared at him and he raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm serious. You can get sick." 

"Yep, even Super Mum gets sick sometimes." Luke said rolling his eyes at me, "I've even admitted to being sick, why can't you just admit it?" 

"Because I'm fine." I said firmly, "Really. I can get some sleep on the plane, and by the time we get to Connecticut, I'll be fine." I was sure of it. I wasn't sick like Luke, and even if I was, I was going to be over it before we landed. Andy was only sick over night, and he was basically fine now. It didn't last long. I would be fine. 

"If you say so...." Luke sighed. 

I wasn't fine when we got to Connecticut. It was 23 hours later, and I was trying my hardest not to puke on the plane. It was harder than you'd think. I tried to get some sleep, but it was a hard thing to do with Andy moving between me and Luke and then Pippa's constant talking. Toward the end, Pippa was talking about all the food she was excited to eat when we landed. She didn't like airplane food and Luke had promised she could have whatever she wanted next meal we had on the ground. 

"Okay, Pippa," Honey said patting her head, "I think it's in your mother's best interest that you stop talking about food." Pippa looked at me curled up in my seat as I tried not to listen and she laughed. She literally laughed. 

"How can you tell she's about to explode?" Mikey asked looking at me. Honey laughed like it was a dumb question. It kinda was. That was just how Honey was. 

"I don't know." She shrugged, "I can just tell when people are about to puke. Like Luke is about to get up and go into the bathroom." And then suddenly Luke was racing to the bathroom. I groaned at the idea of puking and curled up tighter. I was not going to do this on a plane. I refused. 

"Whoa..." Mikey said in amazement. Honey grinned triumphantly and Pippa giggled, thinking it was funny. "Why are you guys so sick anyway?" 

"I don't know," I moaned closing my eyes, "But it better go away." 

I had succeeded on keeping my cookie until we were outside the airport getting into a car. We had been stopped by fans and Luke took photos and told them all he wasn't feeling well, hoping they'd leave us alone, but they didn't really care all that much. I tried not to puke on them, but I wasn't making any promises. 

I was just about to get into the car when I lost it. A bunch of teenage girls jumped back and a few whined about how gross it was, not to mention that I was mortified. 

"Ew." Andy said pointing. I got in and closed the door. "Mummy...." Andy started babbling. I put my head on Luke's shoulder and closed my eyes. 

"I hope no one got a picture of that." I said with a moan. Luke laughed as we headed to the hotel we were staying in. I really don't remember much after that. I just remember going up to our room and getting into bed. Luke left Pippa and Andy with Dave and we slept all day until Luke had to go to Sound check. He skipped the sound check with the fans and they had Pippa fill in his spot. I only knew that because of some update accounts on Twitter. I stayed in bed until after the show and Luke came back, still alone. 

"Where are the munchkins?" I grumbled as Luke curled up in the bed with me. 

"Um, Pippa called Ashton Smash, so he melted and Andy wanted to play with Annie, so I decided to let the twins hang out for a while," He said explaining a little too deeply. "They're with Kelsey and Ashton." I didn't bother worrying about them. There were enough people around to keep an eye on them. Dave would deliver them to our room when it was time for them to go to bed and I'd deal with them then. 

When that time came, I was walking out of the bathroom. Luke had Pippa hanging off of him like a monkey and Andy was screaming about something. Who knew exactly what it was. I sighed as Luke put Pippa on the bed she would be sleeping on. 

"Our children are out of control." Luke whined. I huffed and tucked in Pippa. I kissed her forehead and gave her Bunny before I grabbed Andy and put him in the crib thingy we brought with us. I gave him his blanket and penguin before I turned out the light and got back into bed. Luke just stared at me. "How'd you do that?" He asked hurrying to get into bed before Pippa realized that she was now in bed and needed to pee or something. 

"I'm magical." I mumbled, quickly going to sleep. I didn't wake up until the next morning, when Andy woke up wanting out of his bed. 

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