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This is a bit long.
Sorry to all the Arzaylea fans in advance. Kinda goes along with the plot....

After my boring old normal day with Honey, she had to work so I went to the beach alone. I wasn't lying when I said I went to the beach everyday. Because I did.

I was usually alone since Honey always had better things to do like blog about her life. Which consisted of blogging, eating, and sleeping. It was rare she came out of her house. Which really just strikes the question: how does she have that perfect tan?

Anyway, I was going for my normal old after lunch run on the beach the second time I met them. That's right. I met them again. And it's not like I went out thinking 'Oh hey I bet I'll see these guys again today.' No. It was after I was running and I was sweaty and probably sun burned and not very attractive at all.

I was lying on the sand trying to catch my breath. I had covered my eyes to block the sun and I was trying rather hard to convince myself I wasn't getting more sun burned just lying there. I couldn't really get the motivation to get up at the time either. I'm glad I didn't though, because at that moment I felt someone nudge my side.

"Oh okay I was just wondering if you were breathing-" Mikey stopped talking when he realized it was me he was speaking to. "Oh hey!" I sat up and wondered how it was possible to see him here. Again.

"Hi." I said standing. My legs felt like jello from my run, but I tried to ignore it. "What are you doing here?" I saw Luke, Calum, and Ashton running over suddenly.

"Oh well we like the beach and we were free to do what we liked today." Mikey said shrugging. "Why don't you have a Twitter?" He blurted suddenly. I blinked at him and Ashton started laughing.

"Just come right out there Michael." He giggled, "Hey! You! Get a Twitter!" I laughed and shrugged.

"I mean I have a flip phone." I said thinking that should be enough of a reason. Apparently it wasn't.

"You got a computer?" Mikey asked seriously. I nodded slowly and Mikey made one of those "well what are you waiting for?" gestures. "Get a Twitter so I can tag you in that photo!"

"But I don't want a Twitter." I said weakly. "I would never use it." Mikey let out a scary slow breath and I took a step back. The other three started laughing and I sighed.

"Come on." Mikey said suddenly grabbing my hand. He pulled me a few steps. "We are going to make you a Twitter."

"But where are we going?" I asked frowning. Mikey stopped and looked at me like I'd grown a third eye. He was very serious about this Twitter deal.

"I just told you." He said rolling his eyes.

"No I mean lets just go inside my house and do it there if you're so serious about it." I said pointing to the house that was just behind us. Mikey looked at the others and they shrugged before I led the way to the back porch.

"You live on the beach." Luke said as we went inside, "nice." I shook my head at him and closed the screen door behind them. Didn't want to let the cool air out.

"I will go get my laptop, you guys just make yourselves comfortable I guess." I said gesturing to the couch as I walked by. My house was small for being on the beach. It was almost a little hut. That's actually what Honey called it most of the time. I went into my room, threw on a shirt (being that I was in my bathing suit) and grabbed my computer from my bed.

I set it down in front of Michael and turned on the TV.

"I'm logging your friend out." He said absently. I nodded and suddenly had a thought.

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