2:Chris Imagine

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"Principal's office now," Ms. Carlson demanded.

You rolled your eyes and made your way out of the classroom. This was typical. You didn't mean to talk back, but the teacher wouldn't listen to your side of the argument. She didn't care if you had been the one that threw a paper was at the back of her head or not because you always got yourself into trouble.

You turned to the hallway with the principal's office. There on the waiting bench outside the office was Chris Chambers, fellow troublemaker and your friend.

"Whadya do this time?" you asked, sitting down next to him.

"Punched some kid for saying bull about Gordie," he replied, boredly.

"What would anyone have to say about Gordie?" you asked, confused and kind of angry. Gordie was also one your best friends. "Damn idiot got what e deserved, I'm sure."

Chris smiled. "Yeah. What about you?"

"Nothing!" you fumed. "The bitch thought I threw a paper was at her, but it was Don (I just totally made that up). She didn't even ask me if it was me! She just tuned around and started in on me."

Chris shook his head. "It's so stupid." He turned to face you, a serious look on his face. "How they don't even care because they don't. They couldn't care less about us unless we come from a good family. If we don't, then we have to be bad."

You just put your arm around his shoulders as you both sat and thought. You broke the silence after a moment. "Hey, Chris? Don't look so down. I know you're not bad, Gordie knows, and Teddy and Vern. They know."

He smiled again at you. "Yeah, I guess. That's all I care about, anyway."

Just then the door to the principal's office opened. "Christopher Chambers."

This was gonna be kinda romantic but then I decided against it. I liked how it turned out. I hope y'all do! M'kay.


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