74: Vern Imagine

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You hesitated. You wanted so badly to call him and tell him how you felt, but you hadn't seen him in months, and there were other issues. One was that he was engaged.

You paced around your bedroom, finally flopping on your bed. "I should just call him," you decided out loud.

To most people, you were acting like a teenager about the whole situation. Your friends had said to move on. You two hadn't been together since high school, and that was nearly 5 years ago.

But to you, this was a life changing decision, whether to
tell him or not.

You picked up the phone and dialed the number you had found in the phone book and practically memorized. It rang approximately 3 times before someone answered the phone. You knew because you counted.

"Hello?" a deep voice said.

You choked for a second before blurting out, "Vern, I love you." You out your hand to your mouth and cursed yourself in twenty different ways in your head.

There was a pause on the other side. "Who is this?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I must have dialed the wrong number," you dodged, your voice shaky from trying to keep tears from flowing.

"Y/N, wait," you froze, "I love you too."

Short but feelsy like my feels are off the charts kajshkskanxkskwm snanosenksndnsksns ksms!!! Anyway, I updated! Woot! M'kay.


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