96:Teddy Imagine for @CastleRock59

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For CastleRock59

"Sometimes I forget that your Verno's twin sister," Teddy said, shaking his head. He laighed. "You two are nothing alike, but, boy, did you show that kid not mess with you."

You proudly smiled. "I taught him not to mess with any of us."

You had just given some kid that had been picking on Vern in the schoolyard a good "talkin' to." Let's just say, that "talk" was more of an ass-whooping.

You and Teddy laughed, and he gave you a high-five. You guys were walking over to your house for the afternoon.

You two had been best friends for as long as you could remember. You were like two peas in a pod, as your mother had said. You were both pretty rambunctious with very short fuses.

It was seldom to find one of you without the other, and this led to a lot of jokes that you two were dating, which were all quickly shot down with a few outbursts.

Despite the fact that you both were so adamant to prove you two weren't dating, by the time you two hit junior high, you had developed a tremendous crush on him. Of course, you kept it to yourself, the only thing you had ever kept from him.

Suddenly, you felt an arm around your shoulder, surprising you. You turned to see your older brother, Billy, between you and Teddy. You couldn't help but glower.

"Well if it ain't the two lovebirds," he laughed. Your glare only hardened, and you rolled your eyes.

His buddy, or puppy, as you liked to call Charlie because of his habit to follow Billy around, was on the other side of Teddy, laughing along. "Look at 'em. Bet they were about to kiss."

Vern, seemingly out of nowhere, caught up somewhat behind you guys. "Aw leave 'em alone, guys. They ain't like that."

You all had stopped walking, and Billy sharply turned around to Vern. "What was that?"

"Nothing!" Vern was quick to back down. His eyes were wide with fear. "I didn't say anything, Billy." Billy must have given him a look because Vern spun around and took off.

Billy and Charlie sped after him, spitting and cursing all the way.

You smiled. "Thanks, Verno!" you called after him, waving. "Boy, those two are annoying. I mean, why would they think we're dating anyway?"

Teddy laughed, but it was a weird laugh. "Yeah. Who could think of that. We're friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend. That'd be weird."

"Yeah," you let out an odd laugh yourself. "Weird." You two began walking again, but there was a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"Cadence," Teddy said, breaking the silence.


He stopped walling again and looked at you. "You ever think about daring someone one day?"

You shrugged, but you felt your cheeks getting red. "I guess. Sometimes..." you mumbled.

"Well, do you ever think about dating.. Well, me?" he kept his gaze down at the sidewalk.

"Sometimes." You couldn't bring yourself to look at him, but you knew he was looking at you now.

"I think about dating you too," he admitted. "Sometimes."

You smiled slightly, glancing up at his crimson-cheeked face. "Well, I'm glad we got that straightened out. Um, so.."

"You wanna keep walking?" he suggested.

"Yeah." You nodded, turning back to the direction you two ha begun walking.

Teddy grabbed your hand as you started on your way again, and the slight smile on your face only grew bigger.

**Please Read**
Aaggh I'm sorry this is so bad but I hope you like it somehow anyway. I haven't updated in so long and I felt like I needed to get one up. I feel like I need to really catch up on my requests that I have right now so I AM TEMPORARILY CLOSING REQUESTS until I get them done. Alrighty. Thanks guys! M'kay.


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