100:Valentine's Day/100th Special

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Late, but I wanted to do something special. Basically, it's mini-imagine/preference thing for my least favorite holiday (I totally don't sound salty for being single bc I'm actually not. I swear.) Anyway, some of these are riskier than I usually write, so proceed w caution kiddos.

Chris woke up before you, staying still in his close position to you. Your head was nestled in his bare chest. He watched you closely as your body rose and fell with your steady breaths. His gaze came to your hair. It was messy, but he was focused on how the early morning sunlight made a halo on the crown on your head. It made him smile to think of how even nature made you out as an angel. He slowly untangled himself from you, as to not wake you. He managed to roll off the bed softly and pad into the bathroom to wash up. You woke up slightly colder. You opened your eyes to an empty space in the bed, but when you heard the sink running, you knew where he was. You tiptoed out of the bedroom to the bathroom behind the tall blond b-, no he was no boy anymore. For the first time in the years you had been together, you realized how much he had grown, physically and in maturity. You rested your head on his back, wrapping your arms around his waist. "Happy Valentine's day." Chris turned around in your arms and in turn, took you in his own arms, but keeping you at arms length. "Did you enjoy your early present?" You smiled shyly. "Of course I did." He kissed your forehead. "I love you, y/n." "I love you too, Chris."

"Do you wanna dance.. with me?" Gordie asked nervously. He took a deep breath as you gave him a smile and stood up. A proud beam came to his face as you locked arms and followed him onto the dancefloor. It was only fitting that a slow song should play as you two began, and it was awkward at first, but you both found your way. Gordie could feel his heart pounding as he swayed you around the oddly and dimly lit gym. He was sure you could hear his erattic heartbeat, but you didn't say anything, if you did. "Gordie.." "Mmhm?" He looked down at you, his brown eyes showing full attention to you. "Thank you." You looked up at him with a small smile. "What for?" "Nobody even asked me to the dance. I asked my friends if I could ride with them here. You made me happy I even came to the dance." He was shocked. He looked at this beautiful girl that he had known to have the kindest heart and to think no one had even asked you, it boggled him. He had thought over so many ways to ask you for weeks, but the days came and went and he still hadn't done it. Gordie smiled back at you in his arms before raising one arm over your head, making you twirl. The giggle that had escaped your lips was cut short by his warm lips on your cheek. "In my head, I asked you to this dance 275 times, and I practiced 32 different ways to ask you to dance with me before I actually did."

You hiccuped and held your head in your hands. Vern could hardly look at you like this. It physically hurt him to see you hurting so much. "Is there something I can do?" he choked out. You sat up, taking in a large wavering breath. You couldn't help but feel worse when you looked at Vern. You could tell it was hurting him too, but he was only concerned for you right now. "No- well, yeah, I guess. Come here." You held out your arms. He got up from his spot at the foot of the bed to where you sat at the head. You snuggled up to him, laying your head on his warm chest. As he rubbed your back, you could feel yourself start to feel better. "I'm sorry, y/n." You lifted your head up to look at him. "No, Vern. You didn't do anything. I'll be okay." He nodded and leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "As long as I have you with me, I will."

You could tell by his expression that it was one of those weeks. He didn't seem sad so much as just down. He was usually like that after visiting his dad. Some times were worse than others, and this was a worse one. There was just a disheartened look in his eyes that made your heart hurt. "Teddy, he loves you. I know he does." He looked at you, hope evident. "I know, but it just doesn't seem like it sometimes." He sighed. "Most of the time." You laid your head on his shoulder, as you sat side by side. "I'm sorry." "Why? It's not your fault." This time you let out a breath. "I know, but I just wish you didn't have to deal with this. I wish you didn't have to hurt so much." You lifted your head and looked at him. "I wish I could help you more," you added quietly. He smiled. "Just you being here makes me feel better. It's nice to know someone other than my mom tries to let me know they love me." He leaned in and kissed you, making you feel like you really had done something.

"I just- I just don't understand." You could feel your heart break with his words, but you continued to gather your things. "You know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it, Ace." You had to force yourself to not look at him because you knew that if you did, you would forget everything and stay, but you couldn't. You had to let him know you were serious this time. You couldn't keep letting him get away with all the crap you had dealt with while being together. You zipped up your duffel bag and walked past him through the doorway to the front door. You could feel him standing behind you as you reached for the doorknob. "This doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. This just means I want to know if you love me back," you said without turning around. There was a couple seconds of still silence before you opened the door and left.

You bit your lip, breathing deeply. Your eyes were all over him, and his did the same, scanning your every feature in half-second intervals. His hands were holding your hips, close but still too far in his opinion. Eyeball tried to push his thoughts away, but you were driving him crazy at the moment, and he couldn't keep his dirty mind from going there. Without another thought, you sprang forward, grabbing his shoulders, pulling him close. Your lips practically attacked his with lustful impatience. He pulled away, reluctantly, and with a struggle. "Y/n, I can't. I don't wanna go too far. It wouldn't be fair to you," he admitted, looking you dead in the eye. You gave him a soft smile and cupped his cheek. "I want this more than anything, alright, Richie? Don't worry. It's more than fair to me." You smirked playfully, inching your face close to his, keeping eye contact before reattaching your lips. Your hands made their way up to his hair, keeping your fingers busy with his curly locks. He pulled away once again. "You're absolutely sure you want this?" You rolled your eyes but smiled still. "Just shut up." You pushed him on his back onto the bed, giggling.

You redid your hairclip, hoping that you hadn't made it worse. You were antsy, constantly looking out the windows, hoping to see his car pull up in front of your house. As you gave up the idea of him being early, you saw the much anticipated car come to park in the very spot you had imagined. Your mother giggled at your excitement when you jumped up but then made her answer the door. Billy stood on your doorstep, flowers in hand, and it was evident he was nervous, even to you. The second he saw you behind your mom, his polite smile grew. "Hey, Billy." His attention was all on you. "Hey, y/n." Your mom looked between you two before patting your back and going back to the living room. "Oh, um, these are for you," he said, thrusting the bouquet towards you. "Oh.. thank you!" You gushed, sounding much more enthusiastic than you had meant. You took the flowers and held them close to you. "They're really pretty." You followed Billy to his car. "So are you." He gave you a sweet smile as he opened the passenger side door for you. You felt the blush grow in your cheeks as you got in. Billy took a few deep breaths and a gave himself a mini pep talk before he slid into he car himself.

You checked your hair and makeup in the mirror one last time. Your dad waited for you outside the room, holding out his elbow to you when you opened the door. In the next room, Charlie was in a daze. He could hardly breath and this was all still very unreal to him. You tried to keep yourself from breathing funny and passing out yourself. The reassuring smile from your dad was nothing compared to the feeling you got the second you made eye contact with Charlie from across the church. Every step you took closer to him made that warm fuzzy feeling grow 5 times as big. Charlie couldn't take his eyes off of you. Your wedding gown meant nothing to him. It was only you and your beautiful self that kept his focus. It was all came together for him in that moment. You were going to be his wife and he your husband. He never thought it would happen, but here he was. You could hardly believe it yourself. By the time you made it to the end of the aisle, you had a tingly feeling everywhere. You were beyond happy that Charlie was the man you had decided to spend the rest of your life together.

I hope you all liked these! I'm sorry most of them sucked, but I was getting low on inspiration bug I did get a couple good ones I'm there. Anyway, I will try to update again soon. I won't make promises this time bc I seem to always break my promise when I make it. M'kay.


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