21:Gordie Imagine

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"Y/N! Come out here!" your mother yelled up the stairs to you.

You and your mom just moved to Castle Rock, Oregon after a relieving divorce from your dad. You ha been up in your new room planning where you wanted everything. You sighed and got up, trotting down the stairs to the front door that stood wide open.

"Yes, Mom," you asked, noticing a woman and who you assumed was her son standing there.

"This is Mrs. Lachance and her son, Gordon," your mom introduced. She turned back to Mrs. Lachance. "This is my daughter, Y/N."

You awkwardly smiled and waved. "Hi."

"Gordon, why don't you go help Y/N with her boxes," Mrs. Lachance said, nudging her son forward a little.

He kind of glanced at his mom for a moment before stepping a little closer to you.

"Uh, come on," you said, in an odd, quiet voice. You turned around and made your way back up the stairs, making sure he was following. You led him to your room.

"I guess, you can help me figure out where to put stuff." You looked over at him. "Gordon, right?"

"Please, just call me Gordie," he replied, with a look of disgust, more likely directed to the use of his first name than at you. "First off, that way is east," he pointed to the window across the room, "so the sun'll come up there. If you're a morning person then it'd be a good place for your bed." He scanned the room again. "And the sun will go down in that direction, so your desk could go there."

You considers his suggestions for a moment before realizing something. "How'd you know I have a desk?"

He cracked a smile, which was kind of cute. "That box over there says 'desk stuff.'"

You face palmed. "Oh right. Duh." You laughed at your stupidity. "So, Gordie, how old are you?"

"13," he answered. "You?"

"Same here," you replied. "Could you help me out moving a couple things around?"

"Yeah, sure," he said.

You two moved boxes around the room, started outrun things up, and putting things together. Almost too soon, Gordie's mom came up to tell him they should go on back to their house.

"I'll see you sometime soon, I'm sure," he said, starting towards your door.

You looked after him before stopping him. "Hey, uh, Gordie, do you think you could come over tomorrow? To you know, help me out with my room and stuff?"

He gave you that smile again. "Sure. I'll see you tomorrow then, Y/N."

You smiled back at him before he left your room and skipped down the stairs.

You walked over to the window that he had advised you to put your bed next to, and the smile on your face only grew. The window showed Gordie's house, but what's more is that you could see right into what you make out to be a boy's bedroom. Gordie's room.

Gordie's a slick little thing ain't he? It's been a while, and I felt bad. I'm sorry this sucks monkey butt. I'll try to write a real good one sometime soon. M'kay.


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