30:Gordie Imagine

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"Hey, Y/N," Gordie, your older sister's boyfriend, greeted you when you answered the door.

You smiled shyly. "Hi, Gordie. Uh, my sister's not here."

His sweet smile faltered for a second. "That's alright. Do you know when she'll be back?"

"I'm not too sure- Oh, there she is."

Sure enough, your sister was getting out of some dude's car. She froze when she saw you and Gordie. Mostly from seeing Gordie.

Whoever was in the car seemed to notice the tension and didn't drive away but didn't get out either.

"Gordie, what're you- What, what are you doing here?" your sister stammered out, clearly scared.

You thought about helping her, but she was clearly in the wrong, and that was her own fault.

Gordie's expression was pained and sad, and what was worse was that it hurt you to see him like that. You had always had a bug crush on him, but the fact that your sister was dating him made that a little difficult for you. Well, that and he was 4 years older than you, which is a big deal when you're still in school.

"I just got home from my aunt's, and I thought I'd take you out, but I guess he had the same idea." He gestured to the car. "You know what? I'm just gonna go." He turned to you and smiled, more of a real smile than you would've expected from him. "Have a good rest of your day, Y/N. I'll see you." He turned around, totally ignoring your distressed sister, and began to walk off. He waved to the guy in the car. "Have a nice day!"

"Gordie!" your sister called to him, but he didn't turn around. He just kept walking off down the road.

For some unknown reason that you could never explain or even understand, you took off running after Gordie.

You didn't care what your sister was thinking of your actions and especially not of what the dude in the car was thinking. You just ran.

It didn't take long to reach him, as he was walking. You slowed to a steady walk just beside him. He glanced over at you, giving you a nod of recognition.

"Y/N, what're you-" he started before you cut over him.

"Gordie, I know this is probably the worst possible time to say this, but-" you paused, your speech and your walking. You looked down at your feet.

Gordie stopped and bent down to look at you, the smile still on his face. "What is it?"

You looked back up into his brown eyes. "I know that this is really a bad time to tell you, but I really, really like you, and I have for a long time now. I also realize that I'm only 11, and you're 15, and that's a pretty big difference, but oh geez... I'm just a kid to you, aren't I?"

Gordie pondered over your words for a moment. He put one arm around your shoulder and  pulled you to his side, continuing to walk.

"Y/N, I've never really thought of you as a kid. You're, well, you're special. I think that all along, I really kind of liked you a little more than your sister, but," he stopped again, turning you to face you by holding out out by your shoulders in front of him, "But I think you're right about it being the wrong time. I think we should talk a little more and wait. Wait until we're both a little older. Okay?"

You smiled and nodded. "Alright. Yeah. That sounds good."

Gordie's smile lit up his face once again, and he leaned down and kissed your cheek. He put his arm back around your shoulders and began walking down the street again with you bobbing along beside him.

This one went a little longer than I had expected but oh well. I really like this one. M'kay.


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