115:Gordie Imagine for @80swil

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For 80swil

You were booking it. Your lungs were starting to hurt, but you were running for your life. The train was coming, and it was coming fast.

Vern and Gordie were just ahead of you, but you weren't sure if the three of you would make it being behind Vern. Chris and Teddy had already made it off the bridge and were hollering motivation.

Luckily, Vern finally came to his senses and practically leapt ahead down onto the riverbank, but you and Gordie didn't have that much time.

You grabbed Gordie and you both pitched yourselves off the bridge, just missing the bank and hitting the cold, rushing water. Your head hurt for a fleeting second before you blacked out.

You came to coughing up water. You felt a hand on your back as you sat up, and you opened your eyes to see Gordie sitting directly next to you, looking concerned, if not a little relieved.

"What happened?" You were so confused. Then the pain hit you. "Ooh, and why does my head hurt so bad." You put a hand to the side of your head, and when you pulled it back, there was blood.

"Shh.." Gordie tried to sooth you. "Emma, you hit your head real bad, but hopefully you'll be alright." He looked at the guys, who were sitting close by. He looked worried. "How are you feeling?"

You took a couple deep breaths. "I've been better." You started to get up, slowly, and Gordie held onto you in case you started to fall.

After a while, you could walk without him holding you, but he never let go. When you guys found a spot to lay out for the night, he made sure to help you with everything.

"Thanks Gordie," you said after helped you set up your sleeping bag. You tried not to blush when he flashed you his cute little smile.

The stars had come out, and you sill weren't tired, so you poked at Gordie.

"Hey, come with me," you whispered.

He drowsily nodded and got up. You lead him to a little spot just a few yards from where you guys had set up camp. Teddy was on guard duty, but he was too absorbed in his "job" to pay attention to you two.

You laid down, and Gordie followed suit.

"The night sky is amazing," you marvelled at the sparkly scene above you.

He patted the ground for a second before taking hold of your hand, not saying a word about it. You were surprised, but it felt normal.

"Thank you for saving me back there, Gordie." You still looked at the stars. "How'd you wake me up though?"

He was silent for a second. "I gave you CPR."

"Like mouth-to-mouth?" You weren't sure how to feel.

You saw him shake his head in your peripheral. "Only a little. Mostly just pushing on your chest. I think you would've come to on your own anyway though."

"But you didn't risk that."

"No, I didn't."

You shifted on your side to face him. "Why not?"

He turned his head to you. "Because I love you, Emma. I don't want anything to happen to you."

You took a deep breath and couldn't keep the smile from finding its way to your lips. "Gordie, I love you too."

If there had been more light, his blush would have shown clearly. "I guess this is a good time to ask you to go steady with me, then?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It's the perfect time." Slowly, you moved your face closer to his.

He copied your motions until your faces met at the lips in a sweet, inexperienced kiss.

You two lay there together, eventually falling asleep until Gordie was woken up for his shift on guard duty.

I hope you like it! Thank you for requesting. M'kay.


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