152:Teddy Imagine for @Queenlovergirl

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For Queenlovergirl

Teddy's heart felt heavy in his chest. He still couldn't believe you were gone, dead. He told himself he needed to use the actual word if he wanted to come to terms with it.

His mom had offered to drive him home because she knew how is temper could be and didn't want him behind the wheel. He declined and decided to walk home.

He waited for everyone to leave the cemetery before he slowly turned, taking one last look at your name, Layla Duchamp, etched into the stone.

Despite your nearly 30 years of marriage, he still remembered your wedding like it had happened yesterday.

His eyes widened at the sight of you in your white gown, walking towards him like an angel. He had never felt so happy up to that moment. You were so beautiful, and you were his. He could hardly believe it.

Teddy smiled at the memory of that day. As he passed the movie theater, another memory came to mind.

"Do you want popcorn or..?" he asked nervously.
You smiled sweetly. "Popcorn's good."
He got the popcorn, and you two walked into the theater. Halfway through the movie, you found his hand and held it in yours.

That had been your first date and the night of your first kiss. The thought of you all that time ago, smiling at 15 year old Teddy, almost brought him to tears, but he somehow managed to keep them from coming.

Passing the flower shop brought up two very distinct memories.

"Flowers?" You seemed confused at the bouquet he had thrust into your hands when he arrived home.
"Of course, flowers. It's Valentine's day, Layla," he reminded you.
You gasped, your hand covering your mouth. "Oh dear... it is Valentine's day, isn't it? I didn't get you anything."
He kissed you in spite of your pouting lips. "Oh, all I need is you to be happy."

You handed him a little posie of flowers.
"What are these for?" he asked.
You shrugged. "Oh, nothing. They were the first flowers to grow in the garden, so I wanted you to have them."
"The first flowers and you pull them and give them to me?"
"Sounds silly now," you sighed. "I probably should have left them."
He smiled, shaking his head. "No. I love them. Thank you."

Teddy made it into the little neighborhood just off the town square. The neighborhood you two grew up in.

"Whatcha playing?"
You looked up from the sidewalk. "Hopscotch. You wanna play?"
"No." He stood there. "You can go on playing. I was just wondering. My mom says I'm nosey."
"My mom says your daddy's crazy." You watched his face turn red. "Is that true? Because if he is, I think that's pretty cool. I've never met a crazy person before."
He quickly smiled at you. "Yeah, but it can be kinda scary sometimes. My mom said it's because he stormed the beach at Normandy."
"Where's Normandy?" You cocked your head in puzzlement, your pigtails hanging to the side a little.
He shrugged. "Dunno. Somewhere with a beach is all I know." You two stood there silent for a second. "You gonna do your hop-step or whatever you called it?"
"Hopscotch," you corrected. "And yeah, I guess. You gonna watch?"
"Yeah, I guess."

Finally, a tear escaped Teddy's eye, and it started a waterfall of tears streaming down his aged cheeks. He stopped walking, having to take his glasses off to wipe the tears away.

"Oh, Layla, I miss you."

I hope you liked it! Also, if you didn't figure it out, the italicized parts are flashbacks. Thank you for requesting! I hope it was sad enough. I am heartless and don't even cry anymore when I write sad stuff, so like tell me if it actually is sad. M'kay.


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