126:Chris/Gordie Imagine for @StandByMeFan04

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For StandByMeFan04

"Hi." You turned to see two of your classmates, Chris Chambers and Gordie Lachance. You might also have had a small crush on both of them.

You smiled at the familiar faces. "Hey, guys!"

"Marion, you look nice today," Chris complemented.

You instinctively looked down at your clothes, not seeing what he meant. "Uh, thanks. I'm not dressed up or anything."

"Do you need help with that?" Gordie pointed to the grocery basket you were carrying.

Your mom had sent you to pick some things at the store since you were having people over that weekend. "Nah, I think I'll be fine, but thanks."

You turned back to the shelf for a moment to grab a container of baking soda. What you missed was a silent exchange between the two boys, irritated on Chris's part and cocky on Gordie's.

You looked at them again. "So, what brings you two here? Grocery shopping?"

"Ha, yeah," Chris answered. "We were picking up some stuff for, uh, a fishing trip." Gordie nodded in agreement.

"Sounds fun. Well, I have to find a couple more things and get going, but it was nice running into you guys."

"Yeah, nice seeing you, Marion," Gordie replied, smiling.

Chris waved a little. "We'll see you later."

//A Couple Days Later//

You were walking down the sidewalk to the ice cream parlor where you were planning to meet a friend of yours. You turned the corner and nearly bumped into none other than Chris and Gordie, again.

"We seem to always meet like this," you joked. "Are you two ever not together?"

"Rarely," Gordie replied, cracking a smile. "How've you been?"

"Just fine. You guys?"

"Alright." "Pretty good."

"Did you do something with you hair? It looks different," Gordie pointed out. "It looks really nice. I was just asking."

You giggled. "Yeah. I got bored and did it differently."

Chris shot you a little smile. "Well, it suits you."

You blushed a little. "Thanks, guys."

Chris looked at you a little more seriously. "Since we have you stopped..." He glanced at Gordie, who's eyes widened a little.


"Well, listen, we both kinda like you, and we were wondering if you liked either of us," Chris finished, clearly to the dismay of Gordie.

You were taken aback. It was such an unexpected situation, and you had no idea how to respond. "Oh.. well.. uh." You paused. "I'm supposed to be meeting Y/f/n, but I'll think about it and let you two know, okay?"

The two boys nodded, both looking nervous.

All you could think about was Gordie and Chris. You thought they were both sweet and nice guys. You decided you would just have to weigh out the pros and cons. That turned out to almost just as difficult, but you eventually had your answer.

You knew they both hung out in this treehouse someone had out up on a hill in town. You went there, nearly turning back and going home several times on the way, and knocked on the entrance.

"That's not the secret knock. Who's down there?" A muffled voice demanded.

"Uh, Marion," you answered nervously.

The entrance opened and you climbed up into the treehouse. You recognized Teddy Duchamp and Vern Tessio along with Gordie and Chris. You said hi to the other two boys before asking Chris and Gordie if you guys could talk outside.

They followed you down.

You took a deep breath. "Look, this was a very, very difficult decision. I think you both are great guys, and I hate choosing between the two of you, but I've made a decision."

Both boys looked at you expectantly.

You took another breath, closing your eyes for a second longer than usual. "Okay.. Gordie, I'm sorry... I choose Chris. I can't really tell you why because I don't really know why. I wish I hadn't had to choose between you two."

Gordie's face fell. "No, it's fine." He then smiled, looking over at Chris. "You're a lucky guy."

Chris nodded. "Yeah, man, I'm pretty lucky."

You were relieved that Gordie took it so well and that there weren't going to be problems between them about it.

"I'll give you two a minute." Gordie made his way back up into the treehouse.

You two awkwardly stood there in silence for a solid minute. Chris coughed, breaking the silence.

"Doyouwannagooutsometime?" he rushed. "Sorry. I meant, would you like to maybe go out for a milkshake or something?"

You smiled. "That sounds great."

I'm sorry that it took me sooo long to finish this! And it probably sucks major butt, but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for my awful lateness. Consider this a sort of prequel to your other imagine. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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