1:How You Meet

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I know this is such a typical first preference but it's good to start with. I'm not saying it will correspond with the rest of the stuff I write, but I might try.

It was your first day of kindergarten. You were kind of a quiet kid, but there was a boy in your class that was pretty loud and could hardly sit still. He was running around the classroom, much to the teacher's dismay, and he crashed into your chair and ended up basically in your lap. He smiled up at you through black-rimmed glasses. "Hi, I'm Teddy! Teddy Duchamp. What's your name?" He popped right up like nothing had happened. You were still in shock because he was so against your shy nature. "My name's Y/N," you answered quietly.

You knew who he was, but you couldn't say you knew him exactly. You had always gone to school together, but it wasn't until junior high when you decided to join the school newspaper as a journalist. You noticed the brown haired, round eyed boy at the first meeting. You both started talking in class about what you each were writing at the time, and soon he became someone you could call your friend.

You were visiting your cousin, Gordie, that lived in Castle Rock. Both of your parents thought you needed to 'play' together, so instead, you just followed him around. He led you to a treehouse, where you met two of his friends, Chris and Teddy. Soon afterward, a rather round boy showed up. "Hey Vern," the boys greeted. "Oh, this is my cousin, Y/N," Gordie replied to Vern's confused expression. "Hi," you greeted.

You had just moved to Castle Rock, Oregon, and it was your first day at your new school. You were looking for your locker while trying to make your way through the semi-crowded hallway. You finally found your locker and began unpacking your things into it. You felt a presence next to you, so you glanced to your left to see a blonde boy in a plain white t-shirt standing at the locker next to yours. He looked over at you and smiled. "I'm Chris," he introduced himself. "And I'm guessing you're new." You laughed and answered, "Yeah. Y/N, by the way."

Teddy's was longer than I thought it would be, but I liked it. I hope you guys did. M'kay.


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