22:Gordie Imagine pt 2

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I decided to make a part two to the previous Gordie imagine (I say that like it's not obvious). Anyway, happy reading!

You've lived in Castle Rock for 4 years now. You're 17 and a senior in high school. You and Gordie are pretty close friends, but it's a kind of complicated relationship.

At school, you two barely talked or even acknowledged each other, really, but when you hung out at home or somewhere else, you two could carry on conversations for hours. You two were like secret friends, and it wasn't something either of you ever talked about or decided; it just happened.

You were sitting on your bed, which even after 4 sat right by the window across from Gordie's. You happened to glance out your window over into his to see him arguing with someone.

The other person came into view. It was his girlfriend, Marie (I totally just used the first name that came to mind). She was a sweet girl, but she had little to no common sense.

Right now, Gordie was angrily saying something to her, and she was seemingly yelling at him because you could nearly hear her. You saw him point towards where you remembered his bedroom door being. Marie seemed to have stomped out because a couple of seconds later, she came rushing out of the front door and jumped into her car.

Gordie remained where he had been standing and was massaging his head. He turned towards the window looking out.

You quickly looked away, trying to pretend that you hadn't seen what you had. Gordie was your best friend, and he deserved his privacy.

You were about to get up from your bed when you heard something hit your window. You looked out and saw that Gordie was motioning for you to open your window. You did.

"Hey, Y/N, can you come over?" he asked.

You nodded. "Yeah. Sure. I'll be there in a second." You closed your window an slipped on a pair of shoes before racing down the stairs. "Mom! I'm going to Gordie's! I'll be back later." With that, you ran out and across the lawn to the Lachance house.

When you got up to the door, Gordie was standing in the door way, waiting for you. You entered the house, and you both went up to his room.

"I know you.. Uh, saw that," he mentioned when you got to his room.

You shifted uncomfortably. "Sorry about that. It's none of my business." You looked around his room.

It hadn't really changed much in the past 4 years. It was just Gordie's room. There were more pictures though, you walked over to one wall where he hung up most of his photos.

There were pictures of him when he was little, pictures of his brother, Denny, before he died, pictures of Chris and Teddy and Vern from when they were younger, though none of them really talked now, and I noticed there were pictures of us from times when we went to the photo booths at the carnival and other random pictures throughout our time of knowing each other.

"No, no, it's fine," he assured you, taking your attention back to the current situation. He was now standing next to you, scanning over the snapshots of his past.

You just noticed a couple of photographs on the floor of him and Marie. "Is that why she was mad?"

"Huh," he followed your gaze. "Oh... Yeah." He looked back up at you with an almost defeated expression. "She asked why I only had a few pictures of her on my wall when I had a bunch of Chris and the guys and... And, uh, you."

"Oh." You avoided eye contact, looking back to the photos. You pointed to one. "I remember this one. It was my 15th birthday, and you smeared frosting all over my face. Did your mom take this?" You could still feel his eyes on you.

"I remember that too," he laughed. "You rubbed some in my hair, and I smelled of pure sugar for three days."

You snorted in amusement. "Maybe you should wash your hair better."

He playfully punched you in the shoulder. "Or maybe you shouldn't try to make me use frosting as shampoo."

You narrowed your eyes at him. "Touché, Lachance. You've got me this time." You both stood there laughing for a while.

The laughter turned into one of you guys' talks. You were both sprawled out on the floor, talking about everything but seemingly nothing, at least not the one thing you both probably wanted to talk about.

That is, until Gordie decided to break the ice in that conversation. "Marie and I broke up, I guess."

You turned to look at him. "What you mean you guess?"

"Well, she said she didn't wanna see me again, but I don't know if she'll maybe change her mind or not." He was lying on his stomach and was picking at the carpet.

Before you could think better of it, you blurted out, "Do you want her to changer her mind?" As soon as it left your mouth, you flung your hand over your mouth. "I mean- I didn't-"

"Actually," he started, "I don't think I do."

You slowly lowered your hand. "Why?"

"Because I think I love someone else."

"Oh," you replied, unsure of how to react.

You both sat up, and you were about to say something else when you suddenly felt his lips on yours.

When he pulled back, you just kin of started at him for a moment. "Oh."

Okie dokie then... That was super duper long. I hope you guys liked it. I didn't think it was going to be that long. Thanks for the reads and votes and supportive comments! It means a lot. M'kay.


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