26:Ace Imagine for @Thedayofgrace

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For Thedayofgrace

You had just moved to Castle Rock, Oregon. It wasn't too exciting; it was your typical all-American town in the early 60s.

Your dad had to start his new job immediately, and your mom didn't want you dawdling around the house since you weren't really up to unpacking. That led to your mom basically shoving you out the door, with a kiss and a "Don't get into any trouble!"

You were wandering around the mediocre town, trying to get a feel for the area. You then realized how hungry you were. You checked your pockets for money and pulled out 75 cents.

You walked over to a little diner across the street from where you were. You slid onto a stool at the counter and ordered.

As you sat there, idly looking around the diner, a couple of guys sit on either side of you, causing you to suddenly become aware of everything about yourself. Every single thing that made you feel inferior. You felt the sting of low self-esteem as you looked over to the guy on your right.

He was extremely handsome, with bleached hair and a certain snide look to him. "Hello there, little beauty."

You gave him a shy smile. "Hi."

He continued to ask you random questions about yourself, including your name. He told you his name was Ace, and his friend was Charlie. After you all had finished your food, you went with them around the town some more.

For the next few weeks, you were constantly hanging out with the Cobras, Ace's gang. They could be pretty crude at times, but for the most part, they were all pretty cool guys.

But your main attraction was towards Ace. He made sure you were always comfortable with what they were doing or talking about. In just a month, you had fallen for him, but your insecurities held you back.

You were sure he didn't actually like you, he was just being nice.

**Ace's POV**

Grace is so... I'm not even sure. It's hard to explain how great she is. I've been acting so unlike myself, and the guys noticed, but since they know I'm in charge, they keep their mouths shut.

But I decided that I needed to tell her I liked her.

I made up my mind to tell her when it was just me and her, so one day, when all the other guys were busy or doing something stupid somewhere else, it was just Grace and me.

She was going on about how much homework she had, and she just looked so beautiful.

"Hey, Grace," I interrupted her, "you want something to drink?"

"Sure," she answered, giving me her little smile that drove me crazy.

"Coke alright?" I asked. She nodded, and as I handed it to her, I nonchalantly added "I like you, Grace."

She looked taken aback, but her face then settled into a look of doubt.

**Y/N POV**

You thought he was just messing with you. There wasn't any way he liked you.

"No you don't," you replied, flatly. "That isn't something to joke about, Ace."

He gave you an unreadable expression. "What makes you think I'm not serious?"

You sighed. "Because I'm not pretty or skinny, and I'm barely even tall enough to be eye-level with your chin, for crying out freakin loud." You couldn't look him in the eye because you were afraid he would see the tears forming in your eyes.

Ace moved to where he was directly in front of you, and since you were sitting on the edge of a truck bed, you were just a little above him. He placed a hand behind your neck and pulled you down in a rough kiss.

You gripped his shoulders to keep from falling off the truck and turned your head to deepen the kiss.

He pulled back, looking you in your blue eyes, his dark with passion. You were both a little out of breath. "I think," a smirk found its way to his lips as he leaned in even closer, "that you are beautiful, and I don't give a fuck about what you say because I make my own decisions, baby." He pulled you into another kiss.

This time you pulled back first. "So if I ask you to do something, it doesn't really matter?"

His smirk grew mischievous. "Maybe if you beg a little."

I really hope you like it. Ace is a pretty difficult character to get down. Thanks for requesting! M'kay.


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