90:Vern Imagine for @-wheatonshaim

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For -wheatonshaim

"And what would you like, sweetheart?" you chirped to the little girl across the counter. You gave her a smile as she looked over the flavors again.

"Um.. I want the strawberry ice cream," she announced. After a nudge from her mother, she added a quick, "please and thank you."

You got the pair their ice creams and cheerily took the next order.

"Hey Verno! Whatcha want today?" You smiled at the sight of the regular. He, nearly without fail, came in everyday.

The stocky boy returned your smile. "Just a chocolate milkshake, if ya don't mind." He gave you the money for the milkshake.

You dealt with the money before starting to make the milkshake. When it was finished you topped it off with a swirly mountain of whipped cream and a bright red cherry. "Here you go!" You slid the tall cup across to Vern, a smile on your face.

The smile wasn't there just because you had to smile for work, but you genuinely could not help yourself from smiling anytime Vern came in. There was just something about him.

"Thanks, Arriana," he replied, an equally bright smile on his face. He turned around to wall away before turning back around to you. "Uh- Arriana, I- uh... I was.. Well I was wondering you'd like to come with me to dinner, on a date. Maybe on Saturday?" He knitted his eyebrows in nervousness as he spoke. He looked at you, his eyes showing just how nervous he was.

You were honestly surprised. "Oh.. Sure. I'd love to," you gushed. You could visibly see him relax. "I didn't know you liked me, though."

His gaze fell to the counter, and his cheeks turned crimson. "Yeah. That's why I'm in here everyday," he admitted. "Because I wanted to talk to you. You're really nice." He finally looked up at you. His face still resembling a tomato.

You felt your cheeks grow warm too. "Really? I guess I'm pretty oblivious," you laughed.

His smile grew. "Well, I guess I'll see you.. On Saturday." He slowly back away from the counter.

"Yes. You definitely will," you replied.

As he sat in a table not far from the counter, you found yourself glancing over at him, unable to wipe the goofy smile from your face. What made you even happier was seeing the smile still on his face. You couldn't wait for Saturday.

Eeekk!! The first request for Vern!! I'm so happy! I hope you like it!
Speaking of bby Verno, why does everyone complain about him not getting love but no one ever requests Vern imagines?? I'm not saying everyone should request one or anything but it makes no sense to me why you would say he doesn't get enough love but never do anything to give him love. That's just me ranting tho. I babble sometimes.



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