86:Chris Imagine for @verajohnsson

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For verajohnsson

You waited outside Chris's class for him. It didn't take long for him to appear in the stream of other students pouring out.

You smiled when you spotted your friend. "Heyo, Chambers," you greeted, nudging him with your shoulder.

He pretended that you had shoved him harder than you actually had but returned a smile. "I think you could beat up Superman, Vera. I don't know how I'm still standing."

You laughed and shook your head. "You're so weird, Chris."

"Thank you," he beamed. "I gotta go to my locker, but I'll meet you in the cafeteria, 'kay?"

"Okay," you said before watching him fall out of the procession of people walking towards the cafeteria for lunch.

You sat down at your usual table to wait for Chris and your other friends. Gordie and your friend, Y/F/N, came along. Just then, across from you was some guy named John (made it up).

You didn't really know John very well, but he was nice enough, not to mention kind of cute.

"Hey, Vera," he greeted you, flashing you a smile. "You look real pretty today." His sweet smile shifted into a smirk. "Not that you don't look pretty everyday."

You giggled, feeling your cheeks get warm. "Wow–" You would have continued, but Chris had just sat down next to you. He was practically giving John a death glare.

"Hey.. John," Chris muttered. He was sitting very close to you, and you could practically feel how tense he was.

John's smile faltered and turned nervous. "Oh hi, Chris. How are you?" he rambled. When he didn't get an answer, he turned to you awkwardly. "Uh, I'll see you guys around."

Chris visibly relaxed once John left the table.

You looked over at your best friend, and so had Gordie, Y/F/N, and Vern and Teddy, both of whom had joined the group during the awkward encounter. Chris noticed everyone staring at him.

"What?" he asked, his voice muffled from his mouth being half full of whatever was for lunch.

"Chris, do you wanna talk?" you suggested, since he was playing dumb. You stood up. "Yeah never mind. You have no choice, let's go."

He followed you to a part of the cafeteria that was out of earshot of anybody else.

Before you could even start to conversation, Chris blurted out, "I like you, Vera. Please don't go out with John." He looked so sincere, your heart physically hurt looking at him.

You smiled. "Oh Chris," you gushed. "I like you too," you went deadpan, "but don't act like you have a personal vendetta against any guy that flirts with me." Your sweet smile returned. "A kiss will do," you closed the space between you two and attached your lips to his in a light kiss.

He smiled into it, slowly pulling away. "I'll keep that in mind."

I hope you liked it! Thank you for requesting, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to get this one done. M'kay.


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