92:Eyeball Imagine for @InsaneAesthetic

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For InsaneAesthetic

You breathed in the scent of your boyfriend. You were cuddled up to him on your couch.

"Eyeball, what is your ideal life?"

He turned his head to look at you, his hazel eyes looking into your steely blue ones. "What does that mean?"

"I mean, what's your idea of the perfect life," you explained.

He readjusted himself so that you two were chest to chest and his arm was draped over your curvy waist. You two just fit together so perfectly no matter how you laid.

"Well, I'd definitely have you," he started, making you blush. "And I would be able to make you happy all the time."

You gave him a slightly confused look. "But you do make me happy."

His eyes travelled over your face, taking everything in. "I just never want to let you down, Madi. I know it's not possible for you to never get mad at me, but I wish I could always know how to keep you from being sad or angry or worried or anything."

You pushed back his curly, sandy hair and kissed his forehead. "Eyeball, as long as I have you, I'll never be let down. The only way you could really hurt me is if you left me."

He smiled and held you closer. "Good thing that'll never happen."

I hope you like it! I know you said deep conversation but idk how deep you would consider that. And sorry it's kinda short. I'm really trying to power thru these requests. M'kay.


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