8:Vern Imagine

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I have yet to really find a Vern imagine... So I figured I'd do one.

You were walking to Vern Tessio's house. Well, trying to that is. You had taken two wrong turns on your way there. All you had to go by was the address scribbled on a napkin from lunch and pure memory of where the streets were.

Your history teacher had asked you to tutor Vern because he was falling dangerously behind on his grades. You, being the education freak that you are, gladly took the job.

You didn't really know Vern all that well, but you knew he got picked on pretty often, so whenever you did speak to him, you tried to be especially nice.

Finally, you found the house. You climbed the steps onto the porch and knocked on the front door.

A woman answered the door. She looked fairly nice. "You must be Y/N. Come in, please." Mrs. Tessio (or at least, that who you assumed she was) moved over to let you in the door. "Thank you so much for helping Vern. Lord knows he needs it. I'll just go get him." She walked down a hallway and soon came back with none other than Vern himself.

"Hi, Y/N," he greeted you, shyly.

"Hi, Vern," you replied. The awkwardness in the room was almost tangible.

Mrs. Tessio just smiled at both of you. "Alright then, you two can work wherever you want, just stay out of the kitchen and Billy's room, Vern, you know he gets," she warned, lightly, before clapping her hands together. "I'm just going to finish up my cooking." She smiled at you before walking off.

"Um, you wanna work in my room?" Vern asked.

You nodded. "Sure." You followed him down the hallway his mom had gone down.

You quickly jumped into the tutoring session. Vern struggled with keeping up with the order of certain events. You really just spent the time figuring out how he could remember them. Eventually, you found a way for him to remember sequences of historical events.

You packed your things and got up to leave.

"Thanks, Y/N," Vern said as he stood up.

"Oh, it's really no problem," you responded. "It's really not that hard. I'm sure with a couple more sessions, you'll have it all down."

"That's great. My mom was gonna kill me if my grades didn't go up. Sincerely." His eyes were wide with slight fear.

You raised your eyebrows, in slight surprise and interest. You really couldn't see his mom being very intimidating. "Oh I'm sure she wouldn't. You're much too nice to kill." You mentally face palmed. "I mean, well, you're very nice, and I'm sure your mother loves you, so she wouldn't really kill you."

"Yeah, I guess," he agreed. "So next week?"

"Same place, same time," you stated.

Okay, I'm not gonna lie. This was pretty crappy, but I felt like I owed this book an update bc I just started it, and I've been caught up in requests for my other book. Oh well.

Please request if you want for this book bc my creative juices are just kinda drops right now. M'kay.


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