130:the Boys Imagine

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itswilwheatthin requested an imagine based on the song "Stole the Show" by Kygo (Idk if it's really an imagine since it's just the boys but anyway...)

//Vern POV//

I turned and walked away. It was weird to me how easily I could walk away from those guys that I had spent the craziest weekend of my life with. It was like watching the credits roll at the end of a great movie. You don't really want to go, but you know you'll have to anyway.

I stopped about halfway across the street and picked up a penny.

"Hey, look a penny!" I turned and smiled to my friends one last time for the day. I continued on, hoping that the penny was a sign that I would find mine. Spoiler alert: I didn't, but I could still hope then. That's all I seemed to do back then. Hope.

I hoped I wouldn't fail my classes. I hoped my friends wouldn't tease me about stuff like telling my mom I loved her. I hoped my mom wouldn't embarrass me in front of my friends. I hoped and hoped.

One thing that weekend had showed me was that maybe I needed to start hoping less and doing more.

At least, I hope that's what I learned.

//Teddy POV//

I started singing "The Ballad of Paladin" as I made my way up the road to my house. I knew the guys were laughing to themselves. I knew they found me odd, but so did everyone else, but the guys weren't mean about it.

I tried not to think about the crazy shit that had gone on. Especially the bad moments. Instead, I thought about my mom. I was hoping she was having a good day. I thought about how she was probably at work.

Walking the uphill track that led to my house, I felt deflated. It was like I had just gotten off the most exciting roller coaster in my life. The thrill was gone.

It was like I could tell, even then, that things wouldn't bee the same. I didn't know we'd all move on, but I knew something would be different among the four of us. I just didn't know what.

//Chris POV//

I waved to Gordie. Saying bye to the other guys wasn't like this. For a split second I felt like I had left my body, like I had disappeared in the blink of an eye and come back suddenly.

I couldn't explain it then. I still can't really.

I thought about walking home. I decided against it about twenty times on my way there. I tried to keep my mind off of my home life for just a little while longer.

Instead, I thought about my friends. I thought about how much we meant to each other, even if we would never admit it to one another. After all we'd been through together in just a small amount of time, he knew we mattered to each other. When we looked back on this time, we wouldn't see heroes or villains. We'd see us. We'd see our friends, our best friends.

Even the Cobras couldn't blemish the beauty of our memories. There was no one to blame for anything coming to an end. It was inevitable, but we made the best of it.

//Gordie POV//

I stood by the treehouse for a while after Chris left. I didn't want to go home yet. I must have thought that if I went home, it would only make this seem more real to me. The end.

I didn't like the feeling, but I had to deal with it. It was our curtain call. We gave out best performances which was showing our true selves. I learned more about my friends in two days than I had known in the many years we had known each other.

I thought about the amazing adventure we had gone on together. I thought about the moments I knew, even then, that I would never forget. I thought about what would happen after that moment. I never imagined that what happened would happen, but all good things must come to an end.

Then, crying, crying so hard, I started my wall home. Despite everything, I knew we stole the show.

I hope you liked it!! I haven't really ever done this format but I really like this one. Somehow I didn't start crying writing this but like I'm super sad now... Anyway, thanks for requesting! I love doing imagines based on songs bc I learn new songs. No joke, the two song imagines I've had requested were songs I didn't already know, but it's fun. (If you ever have trouble coming up w a plot, maybe just tell me a song you like and I can come up w something.) M'kay.


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