84:Chris Imagine for @birdlaces

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For birdlaces

//1953 || 6 Years Old\\

"Chris! Come on!" you shouted down the hill. The slight wind at the top of the grassy hill caught your dress, waving it around your knees. "You're going too slow!"

Chris ran up the rest of the way up the hill, huffing and glaring at you. "I'm here now. What do you want to show me?"

You smiled, earning one from Chris as well. "That," you replied, pointing your finger out.

Chris looked out onto the field of wildflowers of every color. "Woah." He smirked at you.

You knew what that look meant and took off sprinting down into the field. The flowers were whipping around and rustling as you ran through them, Chris close behind.

He sped up until he was right behind you before he leapt and tackled you to the ground.

"Ow!" you groaned. Your elbows both hurt as did your chin from your collision with the ground. You began to cry.

Chris sat up and looked at you. "Emma? Oh I'm sorry, Emma. Please don't cry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Emma.."

You looked up at him, sniffling and pouting still. He reached up and wipe your cheeks. He looked around and picked a handful of flowers then turned back to you and began putting them in your hair.

When he was done, he sat back down across from you and gave you a hopeful smile.

You returned a toothy grin. "I'm okay. I shouldn't've cried."

After a while, you two were lying down beside each other watching the clouds roll by.

"Chris," you whispered, not liking to break the silence.

"Yeah," he replied, continuing to scan the sky.

"My mommy said that I can't play with you anymore," you admitted. You looked over at him and saw a tear roll down the side of his face. "But I won't. I promise."

He turned his head to look at you. "Nobody likes me, Emma. At school, the only one's that talk to me are you and Gordie."

You felt sad about telling him what you had. "Well, I like you Chris."

"You do?" His ocean colored eyes wide and bright from the tears.

You nodded. "Mmhm." You picked a yellow flower and stuck it behind his ear and softly kissed his cheek. "I don't care what my mommy says."

He engulfed you in a hug. He was the only boy you knew that would hug anyone, and you gladly accepted it, tightly wrapping your arms around him.

"I love you, Emma," he whispered. "But you can't tell anyone, okay? You gotta keep it a secret."

"I love you too, Chris. I promise," you assured him. You let go of him to hold out your left pinkie. You crossed it over your heart and kissed it, making the most unbreakable bond any kid knew. A pinkie promise.

I really hope you like it! I've always loved the ones about being little and I hope it's fluffy enough. M'kay.


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