3:Gordie Imagine for @80s_wil

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For 80s_wil

At last, it was summer. School was finally out for three whole months, and you were just happy you could get some quality reading time in.

You were walking home from school, as it had been the last day, and decided to make a detour. You figured no one else would be gone for a while, so why not?

You took your time strolling down the sidewalk to the little public park. It was normally a quiet place, but today, there were groups of kids all over the park. You decided to just sit at a picnic table facing the woods that served as a barrier to the park grounds.

You sat there daydreaming when you realized someone sitting next to you.

"Hey, Samantha." It was Gordie Lachance. You had always had a little crush on him, but you two were pretty good friends. You didn't want things to be awkward.

"Oh hey, Gordie," you replied. "So, what're you planning to do this summer? Gonna write some stories for us?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. You glanced at him and noticed he looked a bit preoccupied. "How about you? You got any plans?"

"Nah, my parents have work, so I'll probably be stuck at home most of the time."

"Right," he said, absently. He was quiet for a second before talking again. "Samantha, have you ever kissed someone?"

You faced him, eyes wide with shock and cheeks pink with embarrassment at the nature of the question. "Um, no.... Why'd ya wanna know?"

He had been looking down at his lap, but he quickly lifted his head.

That's when he kissed you. It was short but sweet, and for your first kiss, altogether pretty great.

Gordie smiled real big and got up, "Bye! I'll see you." He waved to you as he walked away with a little smile, showing he was pleased with himself. "Oh, and uh, thanks..?"

You had this goofy grin on your face since he had pulled away, and it wasn't going away any time soon, either. "Right. Bye, Gordie!"

I hope you like it! Going back through, it looks a bit long, but I really like working with these cute topics. Oh, and thank you for requesting!

Requests are open for this book, but I just ask they not be dirty bc I can't write that stuff. I will put the requirements in the description for those who would like to request. M'kay.


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