50: Chris Imagine part 2

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This is a continuation of number 10 as requested by EK1020

You packed your things at the end of the day into your little backpack and nervously walked to the front of the school.

You were kind of worried that maybe he wouldn't be there and he had just been trying to mess with you. You just shook the thoughts and went out anyway.

When you stepped out of the school building, you looked around to see if you could find him.

There he was leaning against the wall at the far left of the door.

A small smile played at your lips as you breathed in relief. "Chris?"

He looked over at you and smiled. "Y/N, hey." He stood upright and walked halfway to meet you.

"Hey...." you replied awkwardly. "You wanna walk with me to the bus?"

"I'm pretty sure we ride the same bus," Chris pointed out, breathing out a little laugh.

"Oh right. I guess, I knew that, I just wasn't sure if you knew or not," you said, trying to save yourself from the awkwardness of the situation.

Chris smirked as you two approached the line moving into the school bus. "Oh, do you stare at me on the bus too."

You rolled your eyes despite the blush rising in your cheeks. "Oh don't be so full of yourself." You stepped onto the bus and found a seat.

He followed you on and sat next to you. "I'm full of myself? I like to think I'm pretty modest." He looked confused like he really didn't know what the issue was.

You shook your head. "Why'd you want me to meet up with you anyway?" you asked as the bus lurched forward.

"Because I like you and I wanted to talk to you," he stated like it was pretty obvious, even though his cheeks turned a deep red.

You were caught off guard. "Wait, what?"

Chris smiled. "Yeah. I didn't think you really paid much attention to me though."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "I pay more attention to you than I probably should."

He looked confused again. "Why do you say that?"

You bit your lip. "I don't know."

His expression turned to one of anger. "It's because I'm a Chambers, isn't it? You don't wanna be around me because of my family."

"Chris, shut up for a second, would you?" you snapped, annoyed at his accusation. "You're not the only one with family issues, bud. I may have kept distance, but it was for the sake of my family. It's really up to me to uphold any pride we still have. Any day now, my mom'll be hauled off to some mental institute because she can't handle the fact that my dad doesn't love her. Alright? Excuse me for trying to keep my family from complete reputational dishonor."

Chris thought over your words for a couple seconds. "I guess you're right. We should probably keep away from each other. Not that my family's pride can be any more destroyed but for your sake."

You gave him a weak smile. "Just not too far away, okay?" You leaned in and kissed his cheek just as the bus squealed as it braked at your stop. "I think my family's reputation can forgive me for liking someone."

Chris was blushing like crazy as you got off the bus. He looked out the window at you before the bus rolled away again.

You smiled to yourself at the thought of being another notch in the arrow of disgrace towards your family. You were pretty okay with it since it was for Chris Chambers, the boy that made you think of summer and clear blue skies.

Eh... Idk about this. I was happy tho that I got to do a continuation of one that wasn't Gordie. Don't get me wrong, I love Gordie but the only sequels I made were for him. I really only continue on request.

Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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