99:Eyeball Imagine for @strangereggos

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For strangereggos

You smiled to the various people you passed on the way to the door. "Hi!  Oh hey, I didn't even see you come in.  I'm so glad you came!" You greeted your way to answer the door.

You opened it with the door with a ready smile at the group of people on your doorstep, awaiting entrance. "Hey, guys! Come on in! Come in!" You stepped aside against the door to let the stream of people into the party.

You roamed around your house, smiling and mingling briefly before floating somewhere else. The music was loud, but not too crazy yet. So many people had been in and out of your house already, you weren't sure exactly who was there anymore.

*Eyeball's POV*

I walked around the party a while with Ace and Vince until they had found themselves some girls and left me. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so I just walked around til I found someone I knew.

I was just leaving the kitchen to get a drink when I nearly walked into someone. I lifted my cup, hoping it wouldn't spill it.

"Oh sorry!" I recognized her instantly. Alli, the hostess of the party, was a pretty girl. "Hey, Eyeball!" She flashed me a smile that I couldn't help but return.

"Oh, you're fine," I replied, shaking my head. "But, you'll be off the hook if you do me a favor."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? And what favor do you need from me?"

I pretending like I was thinking for a second before looking back at her, smiling. "Could you tell me where your bathroom is?"

She laughed and shook her head. "Really? Wow. Okay, it's up the stairs," she pointed behind her, turning slightly, "turn left and it's the first door on your right." She turned back to me. "Got it?"

"Sure did. Thanks, Alli," I smirked.

She just smiled, walking into the kitchen and talking to some other people.

I smiled to myself and made my way through the many bodies in the living room to get to the stairs. I managed to go upstairs, but by then, I was having trouble remembering her directions.

Was it right? Or left? I looked around, but I couldn't remember. I'm pretty sure it was right. I turned to the right and remembered something about left, so I tried a couple doors.

None of them were the bathroom, but I opened one door, and it turned out to be a room, that I guessed was Alli's. I looked around to make sure no one was watching and I stepped in, closing the door behind me. I looked around her room a while, taking it in. It was a pretty simple room: bed, dresser, desk, and other random stuff.

I felt bad snooping around her room, but I couldn't make myself stop. I sat on her bed, and as I put my hands down to support me, one went under the pillow. I felt a hard corner press against my hand.

When I lifted the pillow, I saw a little journal laying there. As if my being in her room wasn't bad enough, I picked up the book and opened it. I flipped through the boring, basic things like "Today at school..." and "It's my birthday, and I got..."

As I was flipping, I came across my name. I stopped, checking if it really was my name before reading the entry.

Dear diary,
Today in the hallway, Richard Chambers, or Eyeball as we call him, walked with me to my next class. Sure, we have the same class, but it was still nice. His smile is just so... I can't even describe it. He just makes me feel so giddy, I'm surprised he doesn't know I like him yet. Sometimes, I just want to kiss him so bad! But what am I saying? He probably only sees me as a friend...

**Y/n POV**

You were chatting with some of your friends that had huddled together in some part of the living room when you noticed Eyeball come bounding down the stairs again. You watched him excuse himself to the many kissing couples and idling bystanders as he made his way past them. Once he got to the floor, he instantly found your eyes. You looked away, pretending to pay attention to whatever your friend was talking about.

When you decided to venture another glance, you couldn't find him. You turned back to your friend again, but this time, you felt a hand grab your shoulder.

"Mm-yes?" you asked as you turned around. Your eyes went wide at the sight of Eyeball. He looked... strange. "You alright?"

He just smiled and looked behind you to your friends. "You guys mind if I steal Alli for a minute?"

They just shrugged and consented easily. You offered a small wave as you followed him to your backyard.

"What did you..." your voice trailed off as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you ever so close. "What are you doing?"

Again, he just smiled and lowered his head to meet your lips with his. Any questions you had had disappeared when he kissed you. You were completely at bliss when he slowly removed himself from you.

"I like you, Alli. A lot," he whispered. "And I wanted to know if you'd be my girl."

You could feel yourself blush and we're that kful for the darkness of the night. "O-of course! That sounds amazing."

He leaned in to kiss you again, but you stopped him. "One question: did you know that I'd say yes?"

"I had a pretty good idea."

"...From where?"

"I'll tell you when I know you won't get mad at me."

You raised your eyebrows at this but shrugged it off. You just smiled and reached up and kissed him.

I hope you like it! I know I haven't been updating like I said I would but yeah. I've had serious writer's block with the imagine before this one (which is why it seems like I skipped a number). I'll get it done soon, but it may not be my best work. But I'm trying. Thank you for requesting! I hope y'all are doing great! I love y'all! M'kay.


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