93:Chris Imagine for @DeaneCameron

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For DeaneCameron

"Ace, you'll have to go through me first," you stated, your expression stone cold and determined. You stood in front of Chris, barricading him from your brother, despite your mere height of 5'1.

Ace looked surprised to say the least. "Deane, move. This isn't your business. I don't even know why you came with them."

"I came with them because they're my friends," you argued. "Now, Ace, leave him alone."

"I practically raised you," he reminded you. "And this is where your loyalty is? You ungrateful brat." He advanced.

Pow. Gordie lowered the gun and pointed it at Ace. "Leave them alone, Ace."

"Come on, Lachance. Put the gun down. You wouldn't have the sack to shoot a woodchuck," Ace feigned a collected facade but you could see through him. He was terrified. "You must have some of your brother's good sense."

Gordie glared. "Leave Denny out of this."

You watched as your brother and one of your best friends seemed to have a stare down. You silently hoped that Gordie wouldn't shoot Ace. He was your brother no matter what.

By the time Ace and his gang left (not without thoroughly threatening your friends), you were still standing in from of Chris. You turned around and shakily hugged him.

"I thought he was going to kill you," you whispered in his ear, tears just now welling in your eyes.

He held you by the shoulders enough to look at you. "Deane, you saved me. You saved my life. Thank you." He pulled you back to him and kissed you.

You were shocked by his action but quickly kissed back before he leaned away.

"Chris, I'll make sure he never hurts you," you swore. "If he does, he's gonna have to answer to me." You gave Chris a reassuring smile.

He returned the smile. "Come on, let's cover him up." He glanced at the battered and decaying body of Ray Brower.

You guys did cover him, and the walk back home was quiet, even though there were so many things you wanted to say or ask. You didn't. You didn't know why he kissed you, but you hoped it was the same reason you kissed back.

Ik it's kinda short and pretty anti-climatic, but I hope you still like it and don't hate me forever. I know some of the lines may be slightly different from movie but that's just bc I don't have it committed to memory and I'm writing on a plane. M'kay.


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