10:Chris Imagine

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Chris Chambers. A name you only heard shouted by teachers, whispered by gossiping women, or said with a mingled tone of fear and admiration from other kids.

In other words, he was bad news. Not that you came from a dream family; your dad was (not-so-secretly) having an affair with some young journalist, and your mom was borderline suicidal because of it. However, you were a fairly straight arrow. Of course, people only knew rumors of your family. Your dad still was home for dinner, despite the fact that it was 11 pm when he ate dinner, and your mother still kept up with the town gossip and went to all of the social events. Basically, you were a good kid because you felt like the family didn't need anymore problems.

You had never spoken a word to Chris Chambers in fear of bringing anymore bad reputations on your family. Nothing against him, just his reputation.

You hadn't talked to him, and you tried to avoid association with him, but that never kept you from being intrigued by him.

He had a face that could make any girl's heart flutter. His hair was a blonde color that made you think of summer, and his eyes were as blue as a cloudless sky. All of this made it hard for you to completely stay away from him.

You satisfied yourself by stealing looks at him in class and in the hallways. Even your closest friends didn't know of your interest in Chris Chambers.

One day in science class, your eyes happened to wander to Chris. From where you were sitting, you could only see the side if his face, but his profile was just as attractive.

Your glance turned to staring, and someone else had noticed because they nudged Chris and pointed to you. You quickly looked down at your notes, hot blush creeping up your neck to your cheeks.

When the bell rang for class to be dismissed, you packed your things as fast as you could and promptly exited the classroom. You stopped at your locker and practically buried your head inside it. You felt a tap on your shoulder.

Your eyes widened when you turned and saw who it was. "Uh.. C-Chris," you stuttered. Your heart was hammering.

He was smiling. It wasn't smug, but like he was holding a secret from you. "Y/N, right?" he asked. You two had only been going to school together your entire lives.

You nodded. "Uh huh." It was all you could manage to get out. He was really close to you. You almost sank into your locker so that he didn't seem so close. "Do you, uh, need s-something?"

"Yeah," he replied. "An answer to a question."

"What question would that be?" you questioned, trying to sound more confident than you were actually feeling.

"Were you staring at me in class?" he answered, in a way. "I mean, I wouldn't mind if you were."

"Well," you sighed. There was no getting out if it. "You have a very nice face, so it's kinda hard not to look at." You said it with such seriousness and composure that it was his eyes that widened.

"You... Uh.. I do?" he asked, a confused, yet amused, look on his face.

"I suppose, yeah," you said, dismissively. You turned back around and finished gathering your things for your next class. You spun around to face him again. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to English class." You began to walk away.

"Hey, Y/N," Chris called after you. He caught up with you in seconds. "Hold on a second. Uh..." He grabbed a pen from his back pocket and a scrap piece of paper from his front pocket. He scribbled something on the paper and handed it to you. He winked at you before turning around and racing down the hallway.

You looked down at the scrap paper. It read, 'meet me in front of the school after last class'

I just wanted to write an actual imagine for this book bc I needed a little break from The Outsiders. I hope you guys like it. Chris is just... Yes. But then again they all are. M'kay.


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