60: Chris Imagine

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"Really, Chris," you scolded. "We're in junior high now; I would have assumed pulling hair would be below you now." You crossed your arms across your chest and gave him your best glower.

Chris Chambers just rolled his eyes, smirking. "The only thing below me is you," he stated, coming closer to you, so he was looking down at you.

Some of the other kids in your gym class were staring but not much else.

Your frown deepened. "Why you- Grow up, would you! You always, always, get on my nerves, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it."

"You're not entirely innocent in this either, little miss Y/N," he spat back. "At least I don't try to make you look stupid in front of the entire class." His face was red, and boy, did he look angry.

You gave a haughty laugh. "Trust me, I don't try. That's all you."

Chris huffed and turned around to storm away across the gymnasium.

You watched him walk a little ways away before calling out to him. "Why do you hate me so much?"

He stopped stomping and ever so slowly turned around. "What do you mean?" His face was still slightly red, but it was lessening.

Your expression softened to a more hurt and confused one. "You hate me. Ever since grammar school, all you've done was find some way to make me cry."

He frowned, not in anger this time, but in thought. "Well, I- you-" He chewed the inside of his lip. "I don't hate you. I couldn't possibly hate you." He spoke softly, and he wouldn't look directly at you.

"Then what did I do to make you dislike me so much?" you inisisted.

"You- you made me wanna do this." He pulled you forward into a deep and passionate kiss before slowly letting you go.

You bit your lip. You felt your cheeks heat up. "Oh. I'm sorry, I guess." You shyly smiled at him.

He laughed. "Yeah. No problem. Don't worry about it. I'm gonna-" he pointed behind him somewhere nonspecific, "I'm gonna go play some basketball, but uh, good talk." He smiled and walked backwards a little.

You continued to smile. "Yeah... Yeah. Cool. Right. You go play. Great talk, great talk." You have him a small wave before he turned around and walked over to where a group of boys were playing basketball.

Woot! An update guys! Please request imagines and/or preferences; personal or you can just suggest an idea for a general one. I really need some inspiration rn.

I may be updating less, so I can work on the fanfics I'm trying to get up and going, but request and I'll have it up asap! M'kay.


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