27:When He's Angry Preference

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Requested by dreamshadewheaton

Teddy: Teddy had a major temper, but it took a little more for you to get him mad at you. However, when you did make him upset, it was like all Hell broke loose. He'd scream an shout and throw and kick things, but never at you. He knew enough to never lay a hand on you. Plus, you usually knew how to talk him down.

Vern: Vern got quiet when he was angry. You always knew when something was up, but because of his chilly silence, you could almost never find out what was bugging him. Right away that is. Eventually he got even more fed up from worrying you with his silence that he'd soon confess to you what had made him angry.

Chris: Chris became intensely stony. His face would be blank and if he spoke, it was in small one word answers to direct questions. It took quite a bit of softening up for him to really relax and tell you what was going on.

Gordie: When Gordie was angry, he became really snippy. Anything anyone says to him is replied to with a snarky remark. It usually took everyone else getting angry too for him to let up and tell you what was the matter.

I hope this is what you were asking for (if not let me know). I will try to update this book more often. I feel like I haven't in forever. Thanks so frickin much for all of the votes and supportive comments on this book. It means so so much to me! M'kay.


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