46: Chris Imagine for @markosmate

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For markosmate

"Just leave me alone right now, alright?" Chris spat at you.

All you had tried to do was ask if he needed some help with his work. "Chris, I was just trying to help."

"Well, you know what, Jordan? Maybe I don't want your help," he hissed. "I'm perfectly fine doing this on my own."

You stared at him in disbelief. "Oh really? You don't need help? Fine then! Go on, and keep 'doing perfectly fine' without me," you yelled at him. You got up, gathered your things and left.

You avoided Chris the next day, despite his attempts to strike up conversation.

"Jordan, please talk to me," he pleaded. It was almost last period, and you still hadn't cracked. "I know I was wrong, and I'm really sorry."

You spun on your heel and faced him, which surprised him as he had been following close behind you.

"Chris, I just wanted to help you," you replied, colder than those words have ever sounded. "And you know why? Hmm?"

He shook his head, his expression still a bit surprised and a little scared.

"Because I don't like seeing you all frustrated, and it drives me crazy that you won't even let me help you." You stared him dead in the eye as you spoke, your expression never wavering.

Without a second thought, Chris leaned down and slammed his lips onto yours. When he pulled back, you were the one that was shocked. "Jordan, I'm sorry that I make you feel like that. I just- I don't know, I guess I have this thing about help. I don't wanna have to rely on other people to do stuff."

Your face softened into a warm smile, and you pecked him on the lips. "Oh, Chris. I know, but you know what? If I help you out sometimes wen you really need it, soon enough, you won't need to rely on anyone else."

He nodded. "Sounds good. So... Are we okay?"

You smiled. "Yeah, I guess." You held out your hand, palm down. "Skin it."

He smiled and slid his hand along yours.

I really hope you like it. I know it's kinda short and choppy. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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