78:Teddy Imagine

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Suggested by rayerhee

"Dad, she's everything I could ever ask for, you know?" Teddy mused.

As usual, his father sat across from him, seemingly listening intently and not making any particular attempts to contribute to the conversation.

"She's real pretty too, which is a plus, and it's weird, but it's like I can talk to her about anything, and she just listens." Teddy looked at his dad with sudden guilt. "I mean, you listen too, and I love talking to you, Dad, but.." he relaxed back into his seat as he continued, "it's just different with her."

"Hey, Teddy, visitor hours are over," the nurse informed him, popping into the room. "Your mom asked for you to meet her down at the car." The nurse smiled. She'd known Teddy since his dad was admitted to Togus when he was just a little kid.

"Alright." He turned back to to his dad. "Bye Dad. Bye Sally." He waved to the nurse and his dad as he left the room and made his way to the parking lot.

**A couple days later**

"Breaking news, there has been an escape from Togus Veterans Hospital. The man that escaped is mentally unstable and is to be regarded as dangerous. His name, we are just learning, is Norman Duchamp, a resident in the psychiatric facility of the hospital. Do not— I repeat, do not approach him. If he is spotted or you suspect he is in the immediate area, please contact the authorities at once." That was what was heard by most people in the surrounding towns of the Togus hospital, except for Teddy, his mother, and Teddy's girl, Y/N.

"Y/n, do you want something to eat? Feel free to get whatever you want from the kitchen," Mrs. Duchamp told the girl sweetly. "I'm going to lie down for a bit. I'm not feeling too well. You behave, Teddy."

Y/n giggled while Teddy blushed slightly and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

With a knowing smile, his mom walked down the hall to her room.

The couple had begun playing Go Fish since they had nothing else to do and were mostly just talking through the game anyway.

Suddenly there was a loud bang at the front of the house, making both Teddy and Y/n jump. They looked at each other, fear evident in both of their expressions.

"What was that? Does your house normally make scary noises?" Y/n asked, knowing those were both stupid questions.

"No.." Teddy replied slowly.

"WHERE IS SHE?" a roaring voice bellowed throughout the house.

Teddy mumbled to himself. "Dad?" He ran out of his room, signaling Y/n to stay, which she of course did not.

Instead, she followed him to the front of the house near the door, where Mrs. Duchamp was already at, trying to reason with her enraged husband.

"Norman, calm down. Please. What is the matter?" she pleaded, struggling to keep a grip on the rather large man.

"There she is! Teddy stay away from that girl! You don't need to get any mushy feelings for some dumb little girl. All you need is a brain and a gun, son. You won't survive out there if you have some girl holding you back!" He ha a crazed look in his eye, a tell-tale that he wasn't all there. He was in one of his fits.

"No Dad," Teddy began calmly. "That 'dumb girl' is one of my favorite people. She means something to me, okay? I love her."

Y/n whipped her head to look at Teddy in shock. He had never said that to you. He never even let on that he might say it anytime soon.

"I love her a lot, Dad, and I know you don't know what you're doing or saying right now, but I hope you know what I'm telling you." Teddy turned to his shocked girlfriend and pulls her to his side by her hip. He planted a kiss right on her lips.

The next couple hours were spent in what seemed like slow motion of blue lights and sirens and policemen shouting then talking quieter. Y/n remained glued to Teddy's side the whole time.

She was asked if she was hurt in anyway, and all she could think to do was shake her head no.

After the police and the people from the hospital left, taking Mr. Duchamp with them, Teddy and Y/n sat cuddled together on his front step in silence.

Y/n broke the silence with 5 simple words. "Teddy, I love you too."

Yooooooo!! Look at me updating after a millenium. Ik ik I'm behind af and I haven't updated shit except for my rant book that seems pretty pointless. I'll try to update a couple times in the next couple yea- WEEKS, I mean weeks.

Since more ppl read this book than my rant book, I'll ask y'all. If I made a Marauders (from Harry Potter) imagines/preference book, would any of y'all read it? I just wanna know. I'd try to update it like I used to update this book. My HP feels have been through the roof lately so yeah. Anyway, love y'all!! M'kay.


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