105: Chris Imagine for @Miss_Mollie

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For Miss_Mollie BSM (brother-sister moment)

You heard a struggle from across the street. It's sad to say, you weren't surprised when you realized it was your twin brother, Eyeball, as everyone called him, and his awful friend, Ace, picking on your younger brother, Chris, and his friend Gordie.

You ran across the street, almost immediately kicking Ace in his face. He had had Chris pinned to the ground, about to stick a lit cigarette in his face.

"What the heck, Ace!" You were angry. They usually picked on Chris and his friends, but it was getting old. "They're just kids. Leave them alone."

Ace jumped up from the ground; Chris slowly following suit. "Oh yeah, Milo, what're you gonna do?"

"Same thing I did last time: kick your ass," you quiped. You and Ace had begun a glaring war.

"Milo, why don't you just go home. You don't any business here anyway," Eyeball intervened, trying to redirect the tension between his sister, aka you, and his friend.

"Shut up, Richard." You recognized the navy blue hat sitting backwards on his head and quickly snatched it. "And that isn't yours." You threw it to Gordie, who had been watching, wide-eyed.

Still staring down Ace and Eyeball, you took Chris and Gordie by their shoulders and began leading them away.

"We were doing fine, Milo," Chris grumbled.

You gave him a look. "Unless you wanted a hole burned into your face, then sure, you were doing just fine." You ruffled his short hair. Had it been longer, it would have messed it up. "But you know, a thank you would be sufficient. We really need to work on your manners."

"Thanks," he gave in.

Gordie finally put the Yankees cap back on his slicked down hair. "Yeah, thanks for getting my hat back," he beamed, making you smile. He had been keeping relatively quiet this whole time.

"Hey, Milo," Chris started, his voice now serious, "is Mom home?"

Your heart sank, but you tried not to show it. "No, Chris. She's at Aunt Lucy's (totally made up) place. I think she said she'd be there for a while." Any hope in Chris's eyes was now gone. "But that doesn't mean you can just go off for the whole time, alright? Once you get back, I need someone to help with the little kids since Mom didn't bother to take them this time. I know Daddy's on a mean streak, but I need you, okay?"

He gave you a half nod, shrugging. "Yes, ma'am." He looked ahead for a moment. "This is where we said we'd meet Vern and Teddy. I'll see you later, Milo."

You smiled. "See you, Chris."

I hope you like it. I haven't done one like this in a long time (not since my imagines book for The Outsiders was stilling going). Thank you for requesting! I'll get the next few up as soon as I can. M'kay.


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