63: Chris Imagine for @markosmate

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For markosmate

"Chris, am I ever going to meet your parents?" you asked him one day.

You two had been dating for nearly four months, and you had yet to formally meet his parents. Sure, you had seen his mom at the grocery store a few times, but you actually wanted to meet them. You didn't know why, but you just did.

Chris looked at you seriously. "Jay, my parents are deadbeats. You know that, I know that. Hell, the whole county knows that. I don't want something bad to happen."

You sighed. "Well, your mom's not too bad is she? I mean, she's gone to parent/teacher conferences, hasn't she?"

"Yeah, once, when I was in 1st grade," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Trust me, you don't want to meet my parents. My dad'll probably be drunk and do something terrible, and my mom probably won't even be there."

You were quiet for a moment. "How do you deal with that? How can you go home everyday and take all of that horribleness in?"

Chris thought for a second. "I guess... I guess, I can deal with it because some one has to. I have three younger siblings, Jay. I'm the only person that watches out for them. You think my mom takes them with her to my aunt's place when she runs off? Hell no. I deal with it because I can deal with it. Eyeball does too sometimes, terrible as he is of a big brother, but he takes some of it too."



"I love you."

He looked at you, surprised. "What?"

"I said I love you," you reiterated.

He leaned forward and planted a kiss on your lips. "I love you too."

Sorry, it's kinda short and I should've had this done earlier but here it is! I hope you liked it. Thank you for requesting! M'kay.


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