169:Chris Imagine for @lukeybabe68

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For lukeybabe68

"I hate to do this," your new teacher fretted. "But the only available seat is in the back."

You peaked up long enough to locate the empty seat in the back of the classroom. "Okay," you mumbled politely before making your way to your new seat, in your new class, in your new school, in your new town.

"Now, is anyone willing to show Merinda around the school after class?" the teacher asked.

Chris's hand shot up, beating out the girl with the copper curls and the pastel dress.

Maybe it was because you were new. Maybe it was the red streaks in your dark hair. Maybe it was because you were outright beautiful, but Chris was struck by you immediately.

His eyes followed you from the moment you walked in with the principal to the moment you sat down in the seat next to him.

The expression on the teacher's face did not seem like she wanted to choose Chris. "Um.. since your hand went up first," she let out a nervous breath that sounded like a mix of a laugh and a sigh, "you- you can show her around, but so help me- if I hear you have been getting into trouble-"

Chris rolled his eyes, huffing. "Mrs. Johnson, I swear, I'll only show her to her classes."

You were intrigued by the tense dynamic between this cute blond boy next to you and the very stressed out teacher at the front of the class.

When the bell rang, Chris waited for you and walked with you out into the hall. "You have your schedule?"

"Oh, yeah." You pulled the folded piece of paper out of your backpack. You unfolded it and handed it to him.

"Oh, we have our next class together. Ms. Carlson is right down there," he explained and began walking towards the classroom.

You followed him, and again, you were in a seat next to him.

By lunch time, Chris had you talking and smiling. You told him about your friends that you had to leave behind, and he told you about his group of friends. You told him all of your favorite things to do, and he told you about the best places to hang out around Castle Rock.

At the end of the day, he was waiting for you outside your last class.

"So, do you think you can find your classes on your own tomorrow, or would you like me to walk you around again?" he asked.

You giggled. "I think I'll be fine." Noticing the slightly disheartened look on his face, you added, "But if you, you know, want to walk with me, then I wouldn't be opposed."

"I'd like that a lot." He smiled over at you, making you blush a little, which in turn, made his heart flutter a little. "Merinda, I think I should tell you that I kind if like you, but us being friends is probably not a great idea."

You frowned. "Why?" What had changed?

He sighed. "You'll find out."

By this time, you were at your bus. He gave you a tight smile before walking off. You got on the bus, absently telling the bus driver that you were new and where you lived. You found a seat alone and thought about your new friend Chris.

I'm sorry if it seems kinda short, but I hope you like it anyway! I'm just glad I finally found motivation to write something that's not stuck in the draft zone. M'kay.


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