Bigger and Better things

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I'm not your average girl. You would suspect I was a normal teenage girl who cared about boys and making friends. I'm the exact opposite. I enjoy helping with school functions, community services, and running different organizations. I've been president of our class for 4 years now. My senior year is definately looking up. My name is Lorina James but, everyone calls me Lori. I have long dark red hair, blue eyes, and light brown skin. People tell me all the time that I should take up modeling. It's not a bad idea but, they make you do all kinds of things to yourself and I'm perfect the way I am. I did win most photogentic in a pagent my mom put me through when I was 10. It was humilianting going through that pagent.

I had just arrived home from a pep rally we were having at school. I come running in tossing my things on the couch. "Lori, is that you?!" shouted my mom. "Yes, where are you?" I asked roaming through the house. "In your fathers office, honey!" I walked down the hall and in through the double doors to see my parents sitting on the couch. I had a feeling something was up so I slowly sat down in front of them. "Lori, we want to talk to you about something very important." said my mother as she sat there smiling at me. "Okay, what is it?" "Your father and I have been noticing your wonderful achievements for the past 3 years of high school. Now, I know you just started your senior year yet, we feel that you should go to a much more productive school then public." "What's more productive then public school?" "Lori, what your mother is trying to say that is we want to place in private school." said my dad. "Private school? Where they wear uniforms?" "No, this school you can dress freely as long as its not revealing which we won't have to worry about. Also, this place offers major scholarships, you get to travel to many places for learning, I mean it sounds exciting doesn't it." I sat there taking in what they were telling me. I didn't have real friends just the teachers. Of course, it would bring me more opportunities in my future for college. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try private school. "What's the name of the school?" I asked. My mother quickly took out the pamplet and handed it to me. "The Academy of West Colombia?" I read. "It's a private school about an hour from here. You get to live on campus." said my mom. "Really? Like a college experience?" "Yes, you can come and go as you please as long as you return at the appropriate curfew." "Will I have a room mate?" "No, we arranged that you have your own cabin to yourself." "This sounds to good to be true. I'm going to take a guess that you guys already enrolled me." "Well, yes tomorrow you have an interview with Principle Downey. He's going to be giving you the tour of the school and that very next day you start." "If this is what guys feel is best for me I can't argue. Thanks you guys." They stood up from the couch as they gave me a huge hug.

I sat in my room think of tomorrow. Meeting the principle seemed to be big deal and I may need to dress appropriately for the occasion. I walked over to my closet and began searching for a nice outfit. I did find a very nice pink dress the came below my knees with a nice black lacy overcoat. It was perfect. I sat it on my chair and went to lay back down on my bed. I really, really hope this visit goes well and I enjoy the school.

*Do you think Lori will like the new school? Will her interview go well? Next Chapter tomorrow or tonight. I hope you guys like this fanfic tell me what you think vote and comment please.*

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