Games Begin

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I woke up this morning to a knock at my door. I quickly got up from my bed and to the front door. I opened it but, no one was there. I go to close it and Robert popped out in front of me. I let out scream and out of retaliation I smacked him across the face. He let out a cry in pain and came inside. "Ow, why did you hit me?" he said covering rubbing his cheek. "You scared the shit out of me! It was a reaction." I snapped. "Remind me not to scare you again." I rolled my eyes at him and sat down on the couch. "I'm sorry. What are you doing here anyway?" "What am I not allowed over?" "I didn't say that. It's just that you're here early today." "Just wanted to spend time with you is all. Also, to ask about what happen yesterday with Henry." "He wants to get pizza later today." "And you said yes didn't you?" "Yep, is that a problem?" "Not at all, we are faking this right. Beside I came over to get all the love before you go giving it all away." I laughed at him as he sat next to me. He gave me peck on the lips and smiled at me. "What in the hell was that? If you want all the love before tonight. You better do it right." I snapped. Robert gave me a smirk and picked me up from the couch.

We went into my room as he plopped me on the bed. He crashed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers through his hair. I began pulling off his shirt. God, his body was amazing. He trailed his kisses down my neck. Then a knock came at my door and Robert let out a groan. "Whoever it is can come back later." he said as he continued kissing my neck. "Robert, stop let me see who it is first and if it's no one important then I'll send them away." I said pushing him away. He laid there on the bed. "Tell whoever it is thanks for the cock block." he said. "Shut up!" I quickly fixed myself up before opening the door. I opened it and there stood Shana smiling at me. "Hey loser, thought I'd drop by to hang out for a few minutes." she said walking inside. I closed the door and looked at her. "I'm kind of busy right now. So, can you come back later." I said. She stared at me for a second then her eyes widen. "He's here isn't he?" "Yeah, so can you leave." "Is he naked?" "Ah, no just shirtless but, that's not..." I noticed her walked to my room and I ran out behind her. "Holy shit, you're hot!" shouted Shana as I walked in to see her staring at Robert. Who like a dumbass was still shirtless. I take that back he's not a dumbass. "Miss Wells, so you're the cock blocker?" he said smiling at her. He went to put his shirt back on and Shana interrupted him by saying, "Wait! Can I just touch you?" "Okay, Shana it's time for you to go." I said laughing as I led her out the bedroom. "God, you are so damn lucky. Okay I'm leaving and I'll call you later." Shana goes out the door and closes it behind her. I walked back into the room leaned against the door. "Your friend is crazy." said Robert jokingly. "Yeah, but she's my little crazy friend." I replied. "Now, where were we." I gave him a smirk and walked over to him

After a few hours Robert left and I looked at my phone to check my text messages. I got one from Henry saying he was coming to pick me up around two o'clock. Then I got some insane text messages from Shana raving about Robert. Why am I best friends with a girl who practically fangirls over my man? I text her back and set my phone back on the table. I went to take a shower and get ready. I really didn't want to go at all, but I have no choice. Gina has no idea Robert and I are screwing her over. I really hope it stays that way. My phone went off and I rushed over to read the text. It was Henry saying he was outside. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked to the front door. I stepped out and look to see Henry smiling at me. Even though he's a complete jerk he was still so dreamy. His hair was all ruffled up as he wore a Van Halen t-shirt and blue jeans. "You ready?" asked Henry. "Yeah." I replied locking my door.

Henry drove up to Joe's Pizza and got out. He ran over to my side to open my door. We went inside and sat down in a booth. The waiter took our orders and we sat there awkwardly as we waited for our pizza. "Lori, I'm really glad you accepted my invite for lunch. I've been trying to build up the confidence to ask you out. I guess all that waiting paid off." said Henry breaking the silence. I smiled at him and took a sip of my soda. "Yep, I guess it did." I replied. "You're so beautiful, caring and funny. You could say I have always liked you for quite some time. I still remember that day we first met." I gave him a weak smile as I nodded my head. "You don't have a boyfriend do you?" "No." "Okay, cool." The waitress brought our pizza over and we began eating. We talked a little while we ate getting to know eachother. I was getting stressed because I really wanted this date or whatever you call it to be over. After we ate Henry drove over to the park and we walked around. I didn't want Henry to hold my hand but, I got to play the part.

It was slowly getting dark as Henry drove back to the dorms. He helped me out the car and we stood there staring at eachother. "Well, this was fun." I said. "It was thanks for coming I had a great time." added Henry smiling me. "Me too. Good night Henry." I then felt his lips against mine as he pulled me in close for a kiss. I was frozen for a second as his lips moved slowly against mine. They were soft and warm. I quickly pulled away smiling at him. "Good night." I opened my door and went inside. I waited to hear Henry leave down the dirt road. I was still freaking out of the kiss he gave me. It felt desperate and I hated it. I could only think of Robert's kiss for that split moment. His kiss was full of passion and gave me butterflies. I wonder if Robert's even going to ask Gina out or vice versa. I don't even like the idea of Gina touching him. Then again Robert would feel the same way. School please hurry up and end so I don't have to hide anymore.

**Will Robert ask Gina out first or will it be vice vera? Let me know you think. Vote and Comment please**

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