What to say...

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*Robert's POV*

Lori's parents arrived with worry in their eyes as they rushed over to the counter. I got up from my seat and rushed over to them. It seemed Lori's mother was already in tears as she held on close to her husband. "What in the hell happen? I put my daughter in the perfect school and next thing I know she's in the hospital." said Charles in frustration. I took in a deep breath and let it out as I began to explain what happen. "Mr. James, what happen was my secretary Lacy Rowan seem to be having some issues with your daughter. She had became extremely jealous of my friendship with Lori. Come to find out Lacy was in love with me. She started screaming out wild accusations about Lori trying to hook up with me and that Lori and I were together. Lori had asked me to come over and help her with an assignment. I went to her cabin and wasn't even there for 30 minutes because Lori is a smart girl. We talked for a few more minutes and I got up to leave. Lacy sees me with Lori giving her a hug goodbye she flips out on us. She attacks Lori and next thing I know she stabs Lori in the leg. I was calling campus security at the time which didn't take me long to break up the fight. That's what happen." I watched her parents stand there taking in what I had told them. I hope they believe the story because to be honest most of it was made up. I actually didn't hug Lori before I left. I kissed her forehead and as far as us dating forget it. I look to see Charles letting out a big sigh and nodded his head. "Thank you so much for helping my daughter." he said giving me a half smile. The nurse calls Lori's parents to follow her into where their daughter was. Charles turned to say, "I'll keep you informed about Lori and to come see her." I nodded my head and sat back down on the chair. God, I hope Lori is okay.

*Lori's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom and dad standing next to me. I could see the wires on my arms and a needle pumping blood into my veins. My leg was all wrapped up and it boy did it hurt. "Lori, honey thank God you're alright." said my mother as she leaned over to give me a hug. "I'm fine mom, where's Mr. Downey?" I asked. "He's outside in the waiting room. He told us everything that had happen." I froze up when she said that. What did he tell them? Snap out of it Lori! Robert more and likely told them some version of the truth. Thank God my parents believe him. "Am I going to be okay?" I asked. "Yes, sweety they're keeping you overnight." answered my dad smiling at me. "Can I see Mr. Downey? Just for a minute alone." "Of course sweety we'll be back in a few alright?" I nodded my head as I watched them leave the room. I laid my head back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. I heard the door open and I look to see it was Robert. He closes the door behind him and rushes over to my bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back. His embrace was so warm as I held him close. He pulls away slowly as he pressed his forehead against mine. His face was filled with worry as I gazed into his eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay, Lori. I don't think I could ever forgive myself for this." he said. "Robert its not your fault. It was an accident." I said sliding my finger tips down his cheek. He let out a sigh pressed his lips against mine. His kiss made my pain go away as our tongues danced in eachothers mouth. He pulled away to kiss my cheek and forehead. I smiled at him and kiss his cheek. He sat down on the bed and held my hand. "How's your leg?" asked Robert. "It's fine." I answered. "Man, Lacy is insane. I can't believe she would do this." "Yeah, hopefully we don't hear from her ever again." "Same here." "Any news on her?" "Yep, she was arrested for on attempted murder charge. She's not getting out for awhile." "Good, we can finally put this behind us." Robert smiled at me and kissed my hand.

I look to see my parents walking in smiling. "Everything okay in here." asked my dad. "Yes." I answered smiling. Robert stands up from the bed and looks over at my parents. "I better get going so ya'll can spend time together. Call me if you need anything." said Robert. "Wait, how about you stay here with Lori. My wife and I won't be able to take her back to the school when she is released. We actually have a flight to catch early in the morning. I trust that you can take care of her. What do you say?" asked my dad. I looked over at Robert who was suprised at what my dad was telling him. He looked at me and I nodded my head urging him to say yes. "I would be honored to look after her." replied Robert shaking my dad's hand. "Thank you so much Mr. Downey." My mom and dad walked over to me giving me a hug. They said goodbye and left the room.

Robert came over to lay next to me on the bed. He held me close to him. He kissed my forhead and let out a chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Your dad. I'm suprised that he trusts me with you." he answered. "My thoughts exactly. But, I'm glad you're here. I didn't want to stay here all alone." "I'm glad too. Hey, we can spend all sunday together." "Sounds great." I laid my head back on his chest and dozed off. I felt so safe in his arms. I felt Robert play with my hair which sent chills down my spine. I'm so happy that I have him in my life.

*Are you guys suprised Lori's dad trusts Robert? What do you think will happen on Sunday? Do you guys think Lori and Robert should still keep their relationship under wraps? Will Robert hire a new secretary. Next coming soon*

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