Viva La France

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Everyone had arrived to the airport only two people still haven't shown up. Where in the hell is Lori and Shana. "Has anyone seen James and Wells?" I asked. "No, sir. Maybe they still getting their baggage check still." Our flight leaves in 10 minutes. What the fuck happened? "Wait up!" I look over to see Shana and Lori running up to us. "Sorry we're late Mr. Downey. Next time we leave together on bus." said Lori smiling at me. "We'll this year was a little different. I'll explain later. Everybody let's go." Everyone took their tickets and we boarded up.

~Lori's POV~

Before I could get to the terminal Gina yanked me by my arm. "What the fuck did I tell you? Are you wanting Robert to go to jail?" she snapped. "Don't worry, I won't be in your way. Besides I didn't to miss my nice long weekend with my boyfriend." I said mockingly. "So help me if you get in my way I will destroy you." "I wish you the best of luck." I pulled my arm away from her grip and went on to the plane.

I was searching for my seat and I notice Henry was in between Mr. Lowe and Mrs. Kudrow. He looked pissed and turned my head to smile. I finally found my seat and place my bag into the compartment above. I look to see Robert near the window smiling at me and Shana at the end. "I switched seats." she whipered wiggling her eyebrows. I shook my head and sat down. "Where is Gina sitting at?" I whispered at Robert. "Oh I thought she would be more happier in First Class then in coach." he answere giving me a wink. I giggled at him as he took my hand into his.

Robert and I cuddled up in the seat as we watched the movie they played on the plane. "Pretty Woman" typical movie to play on a flight. Not that I'm saying it's a bad movie. I've just seen it more than 50 times and I can practically recite the damn thing. I looked over at Robert who seemed to kinda doze off. Like I was going to let that happen so I decided to play a game. I placed my had slowly on his groin. He quickly opened his eyes and tensed up. I began rubbing his groin slowly as I keep my eyes on the tv. After a minute he let out a loud moan as the people next to us turned their heads. I had my hands on my lap acting innocent. Shana got the message as she began laughing. Robert quickly smiles at the people. "Ah, this movie always brings me to tears." he assured. They turned their attention back to the movie. I was sitting there avoiding eye contact with him. I then felt him near me as he whispered, "You're going pay for that." His voice was deep and seductive. It sent chills up my spine as I looked at him grinning. "I'm looking forward to it." I said. He gave me a sexy smirk and wrapped his arm around me.

We had finally arrived to Paris, France. I looked out the window and smiled. It was so beautiful. We unboarded the plane and took a taxi to the hotel. I noticed we were staying at a five star hotel. I was happy to hear Shana and I had the same room together. We ran into the room and set our luggage on our beds. "I can't believe I'm in Paris! This weekend is going to be epic." said Shana. "You should have seen Gina's face when I showed up." "Oh my God, was she pissed." "Yeah, she stopped me before I got on the plane and told me to stay away from Robert. I practically lied to her face that I really want to enjoy my weekend with Henry." Shana began laughing. "Hey, I'm heading to the soda machine for something to drink do you want one?" asked Shana. "Sure." I replied. "Be back in a few."

~Shana's POV~

I walked down to where the soda machine was. I suddenly heard Gina's voice. I followed the sound to an empty hallway. I took a peak to see Gina and Henry talking. I pulled my head back and began listening to their converstation.

"No, you have to wait until dark. I can't see you right now." said Gina. "I can't bare being away from you. Do you know how frustrating that is?" replied Henry. "Listen to me! I need you to get Lori to fall in love with you this weekend. You do that I promise to give you all of the love making you deserve." "I want you so bad right now." "I know you enjoyed it so will you do what I ask?" "Anything for you babe. Just keep that scumbag pre-occupied won't you." "Yes, I can do that." "Good. Now kiss me." I quickly looked back to see Henry and Gina kissing. I pulled out my phone quietly and snapped a picture of the two in full zoom. I then ran off down the hall. I can't fucking believe it. The two are working together. Lori needs to know what I just saw. Oh Gina, is so going down.

**What do you guys think will happen on the trip? Vote and Comment please. I told you there was going to be a twist. Next chapter soon**

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