Payback (Part Two)

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I peaked in Gina's classroom and noticed she was on the phone. She smiled putting the phone back on the receiver. I noticed she was fixing her hair and applying more lipstick. I rolled my eyes knowing that had just called her to the office. She came towards the door as I turned around pretending to do something. She locked her classroom door and headed down the hall. That bitch is not going to make this easy.

Once she was gone I worked my magic on her door. It took me forever to get that lock to open but I had it. Thank you to whoever made hair pins. I went inside and started rummaging through her desk drawers. Where the fuck is it? I then see in one of the drawers there was a hole. I put my finger and pulled the little door and saw an envelope. I took out and pulled the papers out. Yes! I placed everything back the way it was and ran out of the room. I texted both Robert and Lori telling them I have the copies.


Gina walks in the door all happy and shit. Two timing whore it's so over for you. "Robert baby, I heard what happen to you. Are you okay?" she said touching my face. "Get you fucking hands off me! You think I don't know what you're up to!" I shouted. I have to end this I can't keep hiding. I know Shana will pull through for me and Lori. "What are you talking about?" "You black mailing Lori into breaking up with me!" "She's lying! She's turning you against me because she was trying to hide her relationship with Henry!" "Bullshit! How did you even know she and I were dating?" Gina stayed quiet. "That's what I fucking thought. Did you actually think after pulling this we would be finished? We were playing you this entire time." "I know, because I caught her sneaking back to her room that night in Paris. Also, your grandmothers necklace around her neck. The one you never gave me when we were married!" "Because you cheated on me!" "I know and I'm sorry!" "Not as sorry as you are going to be!" "Fuck you Robert! You and your precious Lori are finished! You hear me finished!" My phone vibrated and I look to see the text from Shana. I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket. "Get out of my office." Gina storms out of the room. I went to sit back at my desk with a huge smile on my face. The one who is really going to be finished it her.


I recieved a text message from Shana. She got the copies from Gina's room. I felt a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Mrs. Kudrows phone went off as she answered it. She nodded her head and looked over at me. "Lori, your needed at the front office immediately." I stood up from my seat and headed out the door. As I was walking down the hall when my phone went off. It was Shana again she said the cops were in Robert's office. My heart sank as I began running down the hall. Shana came up running out of another hall to join. "What the hell happen?" I asked. "Gina called the cops on him about you and that he beat the shit out of her." replied Shana. "How did you find all this out?" "One of my friends who heard the whole thing." "Oh My God!"

We arrived to the office as Helen looked upset. "Is he still in there?" I asked. "Yes, they are about to ask you to come in. Lori I'm worried my brother may go to jail." replied Helen. "Don't worry, he won't." One of the officers called me over to go in the office. My heart was racing as I pulled Shana behind me. "Sorry only you can come in here." said the officer. Shana handed me the envelope and gave me a wink. It was a sign that it was ready. I stuffed it into my purse and walked inside. I look to see Gina glaring at me with a black eye and bruises. Did Robert really beat her? I sat down on the chair acting confused. "Miss James do you know why you are here?" asked the officer. "No." i replied. "There was a report filed claiming that Mr. Downey here was having sexual relations with you. Is that true?" "No, it's not true." "If it's true you don't have to be afraid. We promise he won't hurt you ever again." "Sir, I can assure you it's not true." "Stop lying to them!" shouted Gina. "Ma'am please control yourself." snapped the officer. "But, she's lying! Look at me! He did this to me so I wouldn't talk." "I'm not lying. He never touched me. Yes we have a close relationship but, it's a friendship. If he was molesting me don't you think I would have done something about it." "Less of course she like it." "What about you Ms. Gina? Officers I have proof that this woman is the one having sexual relations with a student." I handed them the envelope and they opened it. They looked shocked as I could see Gina's facial expression turn to shock. "Is this the same young boy in this picture who was sending these text messages?" asked the officer. "Yes. The person who took that picture is sitting outside." "This is definately enough evidence we still have to get a statement from Henry." "You little bitch I'm going to kill you." screamed Gina as she tackled me to the floor. She began wailing on me and the officers pulled her off me handcuffing her. "Gina Downey, you are under arrest for assult and molestation of minor." The officer began reading her rights as they walked her out of the room. Robert helped me up from the floor. I noticed the officer pull out his handcuffs. "Mr. Donwey put your hands behind your back." said the officer. "What for he didn't do anything?" I asked. "For the assault charges. Until you give me proof he didn't do it. I'm sorry." He placed the cuffs on Robert and led him. "It's okay, Lori. I'll be out soon." said Robert smiling at me. Tears ran down my face as I watched the cop take Robert. Shana wrapped her arms around me. "We'll get the proof don't worry. If those cops were smart they would have noticed that Robert's knuckles were not bruised." Shana was right we have go find out how she got all those marks.

**I'm going to try and post another chapter tonight if not I promise to update Saturday because I won't have any minutes on my phone after tonight. So, do you think there is evidence to prove Robert didn't beat Gina? Vote and Comment please**

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