Birthday Confession

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*6 weeks later*

I was walking down the halls heading towards my class. Things have change over the few weeks. Everyone started being nice to me and always greeted me when I past by them. I walked into Mr. Lowe's classroom and took my seat. "Morning, Miss James." greeted Mr. Lowe smiling at me from his desk. "Good Morning, how have you been?" I asked. "I've been okay, still haven't finished grading these quizes." "Need some help." "If you don't mind I have the key right here." He walked over handing me the small pack of papers and red pen. "I'll have them done in a few minutes." I said smiling up at him. "Okay, thank you Lori I really appreciate it." said Mr. Lowe heading back to his desk.

After class I head over to my locker to put my books up. I opened it to see a foil balloon pop up. It read 'Happy Birthday' and it was attatched to a vase of roses. I pulled out the card and read it. 'Happy 18th Birthday Lori! Meet me at my office later today we need to talk, Robert.' I smiled to myself as I placed it back in my locker. I walked down the hall to my class when I was immediately pulled into a room. I looked up to see it was Robert. "What are you doing? I'm going to be late for class." I snapped. He crashed his lips against mine while pulling me into a tight embrace. I fell into his kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly pulled away as he gazed into my eyes. "Happy Birthday." His voice was so dark and seductive. Gosh how I love his voice. I smiled at him and heard the bell ring. He handed me a piece of paper. "It's your pass to class. I'll see you later." I headed out the door and went into class.

The school day was over and I headed straight to Robert's office. I walked in the main office to see Helen sorting through paper. "Hey, Helen is Robert in his office?" I asked. "Yes, he is go right on in. By the way Happy Birthday." She replied smiling at me. I opened the door and walked towards his desk. He was working on his computer as he looked up to see me. "So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked taking a seat. He took off his glassed and let out a sigh. "We need to tell your parents about us." My face dropped as I sat back in the chair. "I don't if now is the good time." "It's the perfect time. You just turned eighteen and I think they would understand." "I'm afraid if we tell them, I might lose you." "Lori, I know you are scared but, we can't keep hiding. They are going to catch on eventually." I let out a sigh and looked up at him. "Fine, we can tell them." "Good, I can drive you there." "I'll call them and tell'em not to pick me up."

The drive to my parents house was silent. My stomach was freaking killing me from the stress I was feeling. I'm too scared to tell my parents about me in Robert. What if my dad tries to kill him? This suspense is killing me. We pulled up into the driveway. Robert stepped out of the car and walked over to open my door. I slowly got out as I stood there looking at the front door. I looked over at Robert who seemed to be way too calm. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "Relax, it's going to be fine." he said. His voice was soothing and it helped me calm down just a little. We slowly walked up to the door and went inside. "Happy Birthday, Lori!" shouted my mom and dad in unison. I looked to see balloons hanging all over the place in the livingroom. They rushed over giving me a hug. My dad greeted Robert as went into the kitchen. "I made your favorite chicken alfredo." said my mom as we sat down at the table. We fixed our plate of food and dug in. I looked over to see Robert and my dad laughing. They seem to be getting along. It crushed me inside that it was going to last very long. We finished our meal and my mom brought in the cake lite with candles. They sang Happy Birthday to me as my mom placed the cake in front of me. I closed my eyes and made a wish. My wish was quite obvious. I blew out the candles and helped cut the cake.

We went to sit in the livingroom as we ate cake. My mom brings in coffee and we sat in talk for a little bit. After a few minutes Robert nudges me, signaling that it was time. "Um, I have something important to tell you." I said hesitantly. Their faces fell serious as the looked me with full attention. "What is it?" asked my mom. "Over the past six weeks, I've been dating someone." "Really?! Who honey?" I took in a deep breath as I took Robert's hand into mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as looked up at them. "He's sitting right next to me." My parents faces turned to shock as they looked at us. I could see my dad getting unconfortable. "Your principle?! How did this even happen?" said my dad pacing back and forth in the livingroom. "Daddy, I know this is hard to take in but, I really care about him. He's been there for me since I first started the school." "Have two know?" "No, I swear. He's been a complete gentleman with me. Look, I know there is a huge age difference but, I'm an adult and mature enough to make good decisions." "You got that right. It's a major age difference." "Dad, I'm sorry for not telling you. If you really care about my happiness then I will understand." My dad let out a sigh and looked at me. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight. He pulled away and looked over at Robert. "Come with me outside." he said walking toward the backdoor. Robert followed behind him and shut the door.

*Robert's POV*

I was sure Lori's dad was going to kick my ass when we stepped outside. We sat down on the lawn chairs and just sat there in silence. Charles looks up at me with a blank emotion. "I don't like the idea that you two are dating." He said breaking the silence, "I guess I've should have seen it sooner. You were all she talks about when she came to visit. Not to mention how you two became super close friends. I'm hurt that she never told me and you being the adult following along behind it." He paused for a moment as his face grew soft. "Robert, I owe you a lot when it comes to my daughter. You make her happy and I can tell she's changed you in some way. I can't forget the fact you saved her life when that crazy woman stabbed her. I just want you to promise me one thing." I shook my head yes. "Promise me that you will keep her happy and that she stays focused on school. I don't want her falling back because she is preoccupied with you. Can you do that?" "I promise." I replied. He stood up from his chair holding out his hand. I stood up and took his hand into mine as I shook it. "Let's go back inside." he said giving me a smile. Son of bitch, do I seem to have good luck or something. I never expected him to be so understanding. I have no excuse in screwing this opportunity up.

*Lori's POV*

I sat there waiting for my dad and Robert to come back. The backdoor open to see my them walk in all smiles and laughing. Robert looks at me and wink at me. My face lite up and ran into his arms. "Everything go okay?" I whispered in his ear. "Yes. Almost to go to be true." he said back. I pulled away and hugged my dad tightly. "Thank you dad. I love you." I said kissing him on his cheek. "Not a problem sweetheart. I just want to see you happy. Just promise me you stay focus on your studies and make it to college." "I promise." "Well, we better get going remember school tomorrow." said Robert wrapping his arm around me. "Alright, then you have a safe trip back." said my mom. We said our final goodbyes and walked out the door. We made it to the car and Robert spend me around crashing his lips to mine. Our lips franically moved in unison as we held eachother close. Robert slowly pulled away gazing into my eyes. "I love you, Lori." he said softly. I smiled at him and caressed his cheek. "I love you, too." He gave me a smirk and kissed me once more. "By the way, what did you wish for before you blew out the candles?" I let out a giggle. "I wished that my parents accepted our relationship." "No wonder. I guess wishes do come true." We both shared a laugh as we got into the car and headed back to the school. This was the best birthday ever thanks to my parents. I get to be with the man I love and we don't have to hide. Well, just at school because I don't want him to lose his job. Other than that I was happy then I ever could be.

*Sorry for the late update been super sleepy lately and I have been babysitting too. What do you guys think of todays chapter? Will their relationship still be in trouble? Next chapter soon.*

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